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What eats snake in the desert?
The desert kingsnake consumes lizards, eggs, small mammals, and birds. They will also eat other snakes, including rattlesnakes and coral snakes. They are resistant to the bite of our native venomous snakes.
What kind of animals eat snake?
And many, many snake species eat only other snakes. So mostly, birds and other snakes are the most common predators of snakes. But plenty of mammals get in on the action too….The top ten snake killers, in order, are:
- Mongoose.
- Honey Badger.
- King Cobra.
- Secretary Bird.
- Hedgehog.
- Kingsnake.
- Snake Eagle.
- Bobcat.
What animal gets rid of snakes?
Use Natural Predators Foxes and raccoons are common predators of snakes. Guinea hens, turkeys, pigs, and cats will also help keep snakes away. If foxes are indigenous to your area, fox urine is a very good natural repellent for snakes when spread around your property.
What eats a hawk in the desert?
Among the species that eat hawks are raccoons, red foxes, owls, larger hawks, eagles, and sometimes snakes.
What does the horned viper eat in the desert?
The Desert Horned Viper – like all snakes, a meat eater – preys primarily on lizards but also on mammals and birds that inhabit its arid environment. It often lies in ambush, just beneath the sand with only its horns and eyes exposed, poised to explode from its cover and strike its victim with stunning swiftness.
What do snaks eat in the deasert?
They will eat the following: Kangaroo rats Lizards like Mojave desert iguanas, western banded geckos, and banded rock lizards Carrion (i.e. animals that have already died) Lizards, birds, or snake eggs Other snakes
What animals hunt snakes?
The animals that hunt and finally kill snakes include lots of the raptors species like the eagles and the hawks. Honey badgers and the mongoose are also able to hunt and kill snakes. There are also the king snakes which eat the other snakes.
What eats venomous snakes?
Mammals such as weasels and foxes eat snakes, and big snakes will eat smaller snakes. Poisonous snakes also have their predators. In Asia, a weasel-like mammal called a mongoose often kills and eats venomous cobras like the one in the photo.