What does Touche mean in slang?

What does Touche mean in slang?

Touché is defined as a word used to acknowledge a clever point made at someone else’s expense. An example of touché is what you say when you are having a conversation with someone and they make a point at your expense, showing why they are right and you are wrong.

How do I use Touche in a sentence?

– used as an acknowledgment during a discussion of a good or clever point made at one’s expense by another person. ““You haven’t contributed much, this evening.” “How could I have?” “Touché. I do go on.””

What does it mean when someone replies Touche?

—used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point.

Does Touché mean back at you?

So, what does it mean? Touché is the past participle of the word toucher, which means ‘to touch’ as a verb and refers to one of the five senses when used as a noun. But English speakers use it to acknowledge a particularly effective counter-argument or comeback in a battle of repartee or “banter”, as some would say.

What’s another way to say touche?

What is another word for touché?

humiliation disgrace
opprobrium condescension
discomfiture reprobation
snub vitiation
comedown rebuff

Why do Americans say touche?

During an argument, when your opponent says something and you respond by saying ‘touché’, you are admitting that the individual has made a very good point — one that deserves to be acknowledged. “Politicians keep saying English should be banned.

When should you say Touche?

You say touché when you want to admit that the other person in an argument has won a point, usually with a short and witty remark.

What’s another word for Touche?

What language is Touche?

Touché is a French word that’s found its way into English. For Anglophones, saying “Touché” either means “You hit me with the tip of your foil” if you’re fencing or “Wow, that was the perfect retort/You made a really good point.”

What does Touche mean example?

The definition of touché is an expression acknowledging the clever response or point made by someone in a discussion or debate. An example of touché is a response given to someone who says “grass can also be red, blue or even purple” in response to a friend telling them “the grass is always greener.” interjection.

Do the French say Touché?

The same can be said for the word touché. Touché is a French word that’s found its way into English. For Anglophones, saying “Touché” either means “You hit me with the tip of your foil” if you’re fencing or “Wow, that was the perfect retort/You made a really good point.”

Is the word Touche French?

Touché is merely the past participle of “toucher” (Old French: Touchier), and it, like all Romance language words for touch, derives from Latin “toccare,” not from any Germanic source. “The Romanic toccare has been held, after Diez, to be from an OLG.

When to use Touche?

tou·ché (tōō-shā’) Pronunciation Key interj. Used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or a successful criticism or an effective point in argument. Touché, to touch, or hit in fencing, is often used when a comment is met with a witty riposte (another fencing word).

What is the meaning of the French word ‘Touche’?

Touche is French for touch, et means “and”, and Pu is the past tense of able. Lele does not appear to mean anything. Roughly translated the phrase means “Touched and they had been able.”. Basically, it’s probably nonsense.

What does touch upon mean?

Definition of touch on/upon. 1 : to briefly talk or write about (something) : to mention (something) briefly The reports touched on many important points. She touches upon the issue in the article but never fully explains it.

What is the definition of touched?

English Language Learners Definition of touched : having a small amount of something : having emotional feelings because you are grateful or pleased by what someone has done or said informal + old-fashioned : slightly crazy

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