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What does the phrase bread and butter mean?
1a : being as basic as the earning of one’s livelihood bread-and-butter issues. b(1) : reliable our bread-and-butter repertoire. (2) : dependable as a source of income a company’s bread-and-butter products. 2 : sent or given as thanks for hospitality a bread-and-butter letter. bread and butter.
What does bread and butter mean in business?
providing a livelihood or basic source of income; supplying the basic needs of life: a bread-and-butter job; the agency’s bread-and-butter account. of or relating to basic needs: housing and other bread-and-butter political issues.
What are bread and butter cases?
Bread an butter cases: Cases where we allow the patient to have bread an butter before anesthesia so they don’t wake up hungry.
What is a bread and butter customer?
A bread-and-butter client is one who makes up a large portion of your business. Its not entirely uncommon for some businesses to have a bread and butter client that generates 50% of your work.
Why bread and butter is singular?
If the two nouns joined by and represent a singular idea, then the verb is singular. E.g. Bread and butter is available on request.
Where does the saying bread and butter come from?
When the term bread and butter was first used in the 1700s, it referred to one’s basic needs. It wasn’t until the 1800s that the phrase came to means one’s income or livelihood. When used as an adjective before a noun, the term is hyphenated as in bread-and-butter.
Why was the AFL called the bread and butter union?
They wanted higher wages and better working conditions. These “bread and butter” issues would always unite the labor class. By keeping it simple, unions could avoid the pitfalls that had drawn the life from the National Labor Union and the Knights of Labor.
What is considered the bread and butter of Cardiology?
Atrial fibrillation has been called “the bread and butter” of cardiology, and a condition that impacts all aspects of internal medicine practice.
What type of noun is bread and butter?
That which is central or fundamental, as to one’s business, survival, or income; a staple or cornerstone.
What is bread and butter of the government?
3; adjective bread and butter Bread and butter issues or matters are ones which are important to most people, because they affect them personally. The same is true for all government programs.
What was bread and butter money?
to indicate what a person earns or earns for. the reason for someone to make money. someone’s livelihood. often used as a synonym for the earnings of a person.
What do we use with bread and butter is or are?
Senior Member. If you’re referring to bread and butter as two separate things, you need “are”. If you mean bread which has butter spread on it, then you need “is”. “Bread and butter is delicious with a banana.”
Is it true that all issues are bread and butter?
However, this insistence on ‘bread-and-butter’ politics is not just myopic, but also discriminatory. All issues—no matter how small—are bread-and-butter to someone. If not yourself, then a fellow citizen. Never mind that political will is not a finite resource.
What is the definition of bread and butter?
Noun 1. bread-and-butter issue – an issue whose settlement will affect financial resources
What are the bread and butter issues in Singapore?
There are two types of ‘issues’ in Singapore. Real ‘bread-and-butter’ issues, and ‘fake’ issues like press freedom, LGBTQ rights, environmental causes, arts funding, and you name it. There are no dictionary definitions for either category, but most people understand the distinction instinctively, even if they don’t agree with the premise.
What’s the bread and butter of public transport?
Crowded public transport is a bread-and-butter issue. Not so much the issue of press or academic freedom. COE prices are also ‘bread-and-butter’ (despite affecting only potential car-owners). However, environmental causes like ocean biodiversity or climate change are somehow excluded, despite affecting literally everyone.