What does the equal sign mean in a text message?

What does the equal sign mean in a text message?

An equal sign as the last character on a encoded line indicates such a non-significant (“soft”) line break in the encoded text.

What does == mean?

In programming languages == sign or double equal sign means we are comparing right side with left side. And this comparison returns true or false. We usually use this comparison inside if condition to do something specific. Double equal operator is a very common used operator after single equal.

What is the equal sign mean?

An equal sign is the sign =, which is used in arithmetic to indicate that two numbers or sets of numbers are equal. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

What does the equal sign with a line above it mean?

Congruent means exactly equal in size and shape. In mathematics, line segments, angles, triangles, and other figures can be congruent. The symbol for congruent is a tilde above the equals sign.

What does we equal mean?

If you say that people are equal, you mean that they have or should have the same rights and opportunities as each other. Someone who is your equal has the same ability, status, or rights as you have. She was one of the boys, their equal.

What is the use of equal sign?

The equals sign (British English, Unicode) or equal sign (American English), formerly known as the equality sign, is the mathematical symbol =, which is used to indicate equality in some well-defined sense.

What does xy 0 mean?

That is, if a point in the plane is a solution of xy = 0, either its x-coordinate equals 0 (which means that point is in S, the y-axis) or its y-coordinate equals 0, (which means that the point is in V , the x-axis).

What is Hammer slang for?

If you say that someone hammers another person, you mean that they attack, criticize, or punish the other person severely.

What is ≈ called?

≈ means approximately equal to, or almost equal to.

What is equal sign for kids?

The equal sign in mathematics describes equality between the values, equations, or expressions written on both sides. The symbol for equal to is two small horizontal lines placed parallelly.

Is equivalent to sign?

Basic math symbols

Symbol Symbol Name Meaning / definition
= equals sign equality
not equal sign inequality
approximately equal approximation
> strict inequality greater than

What does ≈ mean in geometry?


What does equal sign at end of line mean?

In a nutshell, an equal sign at the end of a line indicates a soft line break. An equal sign followed by two hexadecimal characters (0-9, A-F) encodes a single octet (byte).

When do you put an X at the end of a text?

To someone in their 50s or over, it may still mean this and this alone. To younger people who have grown up with email, texting and social media, an X at the end of a message has started to be used as a friendly sign off with no further emotion attached.

When to use ” = ” at the end of an encoded line?

Any TAB (HT) or SPACE characters on an encoded line MUST thus be followed on that line by a printable character. In particular, an “=” at the end of an encoded line, indicating a soft line break (see rule #5) may follow one or more TAB (HT) or SPACE characters.

Why does a Base64 string have an equals sign at the end?

To pad the Base64-encoded string to a multiple of 4 characters in length, so that it can be decoded correctly. The equals sign (=) is used as padding in certain forms of base64 encoding. The Wikipedia article on base64 has all the details.

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