What does the abbreviation M mean?

What does the abbreviation M mean?

M is the Roman numeral for thousand and MM is meant to convey one thousand-thousand — or million. The Greeks would likewise show million as M, short for Mega. So if we stay consistent with the Greek abbreviations, then billion would be shown as a letter G (Giga).

What does M mean for guys?

Maneuver. MAN. Manifold. MAN. Massive Assault Network (online war game)

What is M in medical terms?

m. minim; meta; muscle; molar; meter; medicine; mother.

What is M used for?

M is used as the unit abbreviation for molarity. With money amounts, m means one million: For example, $5m is five million dollars. M often represents male or masculine, especially in conjunction with F for female or feminine.

What does M mean slang?

On online dating sites and in classified advertisements, M typically means “Male” or “Married.” For example: Lady Pink: Tell me about yourself. Ram Rod: Straight, M, no kids.

What does the M in the main causes of World war 1 represent?

What is militarism and what did it cause? a policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war. This is a symbol of strength.

What is the purpose of militarism?

Militarism seeks to create and promote the military spirit above all and in the first line in the active army itself; secondly in those portions of the population furnishing the reserves of the army in case of mobilization; finally in all the other parts of the population that are of importance for militaristic and …

What does m’s mean in slang?

The Brief: M’s is slang for millions of dollars.

What is the meaning of m in chat?

What should be the abbreviation for million, m or mm?

In metric terms, ‘M’ is short for ‘Mega’ which equates to ‘million’. But ‘M’ is also the Roman numeral for ‘thousand’, and has been used in the past as the standard abbreviation (hence the ‘MM’ as an abbreviation for ‘million’).

What unit does m stand for?

M in chemistry stands for molarity, measured in moles per liter. m stands for “milli” in most fields. So this is a 0.005 M solution of sodium nitrate.

What does m stand for in numbers?

In accounting, the abbreviation “MM” is actually the Roman numeral representation of one million. “M” represents one thousand. Thus, “MM” means one thousand thousands, or one million, writes Math Forum.

What does m and mm stand for?

William Murrie agreed and there we have the origin of the name of M&M’s. The first “M” stands for Mars, and the second “M” stands for Murrie, meaning Bruce Murrie. The two called the new company, which began operation in 1940, M&M Ltd..

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