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What does that mendax mean in English?
deceitful, lying, deceptive, untruthful, false, mendacious, feigned, not real.
What does the Latin word caveat mean?
“Caveat” in Latin means let him beware and comes from the verb “cavēre” (“to be on guard”). Perhaps you’ve also heard “caveat lector”: “let the reader beware,” a warning to take what one reads with a grain of salt. English retained “caveat” itself as a noun for something that serves to warn, explain, or caution.
What is a caveat statement?
As mentioned above, a caveat is a caution or warning that one party gives to another entity before they enter into an agreement. They generally advise a party that there may be an undesirable outcome or situation that may stem from any action they take, or it may be a condition that is attached to a pending agreement.
What does no caveat mean?
A caveat is a warning. When someone adds a caveat to something they’re telling you to beware — maybe what they’re telling you comes with certain conditions or maybe there’s something dangerous lurking.
Who is Pecunia?
noun. [ feminine ] /pe’kunja/ humorous. money , wealth.
What happens after a caveat is filed?
After filing the caveat, if the opposite party files an application in a suit or proceeding, the court has to compulsorily serve the notice of the application filed to the caveator. The court will send notice of the application to the caveator and the caveat petition to the applicant.
What is an example of caveat?
An admonition, caution, or warning. The definition of a caveat is a warning. An example of caveat is a police officer telling someone to stop or they’ll shoot.
What is Pecunia in Latin?
“Pecuniary” first appeared in English in the early 16th century and comes from the Latin word “pecunia,” which means “money.” Both this root and Latin “peculium,” which means “private property,” are related to the Latin noun for cattle, “pecus.” In early times, cattle were viewed as a trading commodity (as they still …
Is Pecunia feminine?
For example, the mea in mea pecunia (“my money”) is feminine, no matter whether “my” refers to a man or a woman, because pecunia is feminine.
What do mendacious means?
: given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth mendacious tales of his adventures. Other Words from mendacious Synonyms & Antonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More About mendacious.
What is the origin of the word mendax?
mendax (Latin) Origin & history Derived from mentior (“I lie, deceive”) + -āx (“inclined to”), or from Proto-Indo-European *mend- (“to fault”), whence mendum. Pronunciation (Ecclesiastical) IPA: /ˈmen.daks/ Adjective. deceitful, lying, deceptive, untruthful, false, mendacious, feigned, not real. Inflection
Where does the word mendacious come from in English?
mendacious: mendacious (English) Origin & history From Middle French mendacieux, from Latin mendācium (“lie, untruth”), from mendāx (“lying”).
Who is the pathological liar in mendax Dictionary?
Tom is a pathological liar. Hoc autem mendacium supponit bona terrae sine finibus praesto esse, quod ducit ad “eam exhauriendam” usque ad finem et ultra. It is based on the lie that there is an infinite supply of the earth’s goods, and this leads to the planet being squeezed dry beyond every limit.