What does stand in the breach mean?

What does stand in the breach mean?

take the place of someone who is suddenly unable to do a job or task. In military terms a breach is a gap in fortifications made by enemy guns or explosives. In this context, to stand in the breach is to bear the brunt of an attack when other defences or expedients have failed.

What is the meaning of stepping into?

: to take a particular role or do a particular task She stepped into the role/position of director.

Where does the phrase step into the breach come from?

The idiom step into the breach originated in the military. A breach is a gap in a wall or a gap in a line of defense through which the enemy may enter. The idea is that the person who steps into the breach puts himself between the item he is defending and disaster.

What does it mean to breach rules?

to be breaking a particular law or rule: to not obey a law or to not do what was promised or agreed: The corporation was sued for allegedly breaching a contract to supply voice-mail systems.

What does breach mean in the Bible?

an infraction or violation, as of a law, trust, faith, or promise.

What is step into and step over in eclipse?

With debugger options, the difference between “Step into” and “Step over” is only noticeable if you run into a function call. “Step into” means that the debugger steps into the function, and “Step over” just moves the debugger to the next line in the same Java action.

Is it step in to or step into?

step into. Involve oneself or intervene, as in He knew he’d be able to step into a job in his father’s firm, or Jane asked Mary to step into the matter and settle it. Also see step in.

What is an example of breach?

The definition of a breach is a break, or violation. An example of a breach is an agreement that has been broken. An example of a breach is a person violating their probation. A violation or infraction, as of a contract, law, legal obligation, or promise.

What does breach mean spiritually?

Spiritual breaches are spiritual gaps, holes, opening, that can be found in the spiritual wall. Naturally a wall means protection. Just like physical walls, this spiritual wall of protection can be withdrawn by God causing the devil due to breach or violation brought by our wrong choices/actions.

What happens when you step into a breach?

If you step into the breach, you do a job or task which someone else was supposed to do or has done in the past, because they are suddenly unable to do it. I was persuaded to step into the breach temporarily when they became too ill to continue.

Can a Scottish Executive step into the breach?

‘Others argue that it is extremely unlikely that the Scottish Executive or Westminster would suddenly step into the breach and come to the rescue with a potful of cash.’ ‘He suggested that if the Rivers Agency did not have the manpower to complete the task then the Council would be more than happy to step into the breach.’

What does the idiom’into the breach’mean?

into the breach. idiom. —used with step/leap/jump (etc.) to indicate providing help that is badly needed, such as by doing a job when there is no one else available to do it He stepped into the breach when the company needed new leadership.

Why did Kathy have to step into the breach?

Gail’s sudden illness meant that Kathy had to step into the breach. Want to learn more? Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence.

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