What does Miss Caroline do on the first day of school?

What does Miss Caroline do on the first day of school?

Expert Answers On the first day of school, Miss Caroline makes Scout read the alphabet and then has her read the majority ofMy First Readerand the stock-market quotations from the Mobile Register aloud. After discovering that Scout is literate, Miss Caroline tells Scout to tell Atticus not to read to…

What 3 mistakes does Scout make on her first day of school that make Miss Caroline so angry and why do they make her angry?

Scout certainly starts off on the wrong foot her first day of school. First, she demonstrates that she knows how to read. Second, she demonstrates that she knows how to write. Third, she tries to offer an explanation for Walter Cunningham’s behavior when Miss Caroline tries to give him money for lunch.

What are her mistakes and why do they make Miss Caroline so angry?

It made Miss Caroline angry because she wanted to teach Scout in her own way–the way she learned in college. What is the WPA, and why won’t Mr.

What three mistakes did Miss Caroline Fisher make on her first day of school?

What are the three mistakes that Scout makes during her first day at school and why do they make Miss Caroline so angry?

Why does Miss Caroline have a difficult first day?

Much of the trouble that Miss Caroline Fisher encounters on her first day of teaching stems from the fact that she is an outsider, who does not relate or understand the backward, uneducated country children of Maycomb.

What is the argument between Miss Caroline and scout about?

The argument between Scout and Miss Caroline highlights how stubborn and insubordinate Scout is. The conflict reveals that individuals rather be blissful and ignorant rather than informed. The conflict reinforces the idea that despite their innocence, children can be far more perceptive and intuitive than adults.

What does Miss Caroline do to scout?

Miss Caroline forbids Scout to let Atticus teach her to read anymore. Rather than congratulating Scout on her knowledge, Miss Caroline believes Scout is being taught incorrectly and tells her not to read at home anymore.

How does Scout feel about Miss Caroline?

Scout feels that Miss. Caroline misunderstands her students. Miss Caroline’s admonition that she can’t read with her family isn’t taken lightly. Scout does not understand her teacher or enjoy her methods of teaching.

What is scares Miss Caroline?

Similar to the other members of his family, Burris Ewell is also an ignorant, immoral, dirty individual. In Chapter 3 , Burris scares Miss Caroline when a “cootie” falls out of his hair in the middle of class. Miss Caroline is startled and frightened when the tiny bug crawls onto the floor.

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