What does it mean when your ex says they still love you?

What does it mean when your ex says they still love you?

If he is uncertain whether he wants to try again, he could be saying this to you in an attempt to express that he still loves you while taking it slow and being cautious. In addition, he might be testing the waters to see if you two can fix the issues you had as a couple by being friends first.

How do I know my ex misses me?

Here are 8 signs your ex is missing you, because more likely than not, you’re not going crazy.

  • They are steadily active on your Instagram.
  • They haven’t been spotted with anyone new.
  • OR, they are constantly with other partners, and they make sure you know it.
  • Late night calls and texts.

How do I make my ex love me again?

So here’s what you have to do:

  1. Don’t contact your ex. your ex would think he/she is the best person for you.
  2. Don’t post negativity on social media.
  3. Don’t hurt yourself.
  4. Don’t just get into relationships easily.
  5. Go out with friends and meet new people.
  6. Start doing something that’s been on the Back burner.
  7. Take pictures.

What to do when your ex Loves you and Misses You?

What you should do is give your ex a little space when the negative crap is flying. You only control your feelings and actions, not theirs. In time, they will get past this and what you need to understand is, they are doing this because they love and miss you. 23.

Is it normal to Still Love Your Ex?

Thinking of your ex from time to time is a normal response to a breakup, especially if you’ve shared a deep connection with the person. It’s normal to still love your ex and remember the good times you shared with them. Part of keeping balanced mental health is acknowledging and addressing your feelings.

How can you tell if your ex still has feelings for You?

Your ex might not be able to put that into words, but that’s what they are likely feeling. Maybe your ex directly contacts you to ask about your life or maybe your ex contacts mutual friends and you find out. It’s a great sign that your ex still has feelings for you.

Is it hard to move on from an ex?

Trying to move on is even more difficult if you were not the one to choose to end the relationship. This is likely to be pretty easily understood. But you may be surprised at the strength, or length, of your love for your ex if you were the one to end the relationship.

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