What does it mean when you call a girl a firecracker?

What does it mean when you call a girl a firecracker?

You want to be called a firecracker, I think? If you’re a woman, it means that the speaker approves of you. He (it’s usually a he) finds you feisty, energetic, opinionated, and honest. You also may be on the petite side, like a compact paper cylinder packed with explosives.

What does a firecracker symbolize?

It symbolizes good luck throughout the whole year. Many families will not sweep the red paper left by firecrackers immediately because they believe that the act of sweeping on this day is associated with sweeping wealth away. People set off firecrackers and fireworks to ward off misfortune and bring good luck.

What is difference between firecrackers and fireworks?

A firecracker is one type of firework. Some fireworks set off fountains of coloured sparks for a visual display at ground level, others explode to make showers of coloured sparks in the sky, some make noises. Firecrackers are small but loud fireworks that explode at ground level without any visual sparks.

What is another word for firecracker?

What is another word for firecracker?

fireworks bursts
illuminations pyrotechnics
rockets sparklers
bottle rockets cherry bomb
fire flowers Roman candles

What does firecracker mean in slang?

According to American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, firecracker: Slang A spirited, quick-tempered, or rambunctious person.

What is a Chinese firecracker?

Firecrackers are called baozhu (爆竹) in Mandarin, meaning “bamboo explosions”. In ancient China, bamboo stems were burnt to create small explosions in order to drive away evil spirits.

What means Cherry Bomb?

Filters. (sports, US, slang) A four square ball game term which basically means spiking the ball or slamming it down with a force to make it hard for a person to retrieve it to stay in the game. A cherry-bomb with an even more impressive force would be called a tree-top.

Is firecracker a verb or noun?

FIRECRACKER (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does feisty woman mean?

Feisty is a word for someone who is touchy or quarrelsome. It can also mean “showing courage or determination.” If you’re huffy or thin-skinned, you’re feisty. Feisty people often seem to be itching for a fight.

What is the opposite of firecracker?

ˈfaɪɝˌkrækɝ) Firework consisting of a small explosive charge and fuse in a heavy paper casing. Antonyms. high explosive ordinary. whizzbang.

Which is the best description of a firecracker?

A firecracker ( cracker, noise maker, banger,) is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang; any visual effect is incidental to this goal. They have fuses, and are wrapped in a heavy paper casing to contain the explosive compound.

What’s the slang term for a firecracker in Wales?

In Wales the slang term for a firecracker, typically used on Guy Fawkes Night, is a “jacky-jumper”. The use of firecrackers, although a traditional part of the celebration, has over the years led to many injuries and deaths.

Are there any laws against the use of firecrackers?

Hence, many governments and authorities have enacted laws completely banning the sale or use of firecrackers, or banning the use of firecrackers in the street]

Where did they set off the Chinese New Year firecrackers?

Firecrackers set off in Sibu, Malaysia, to celebrate Chinese New Year. A firecracker (cracker, noise maker, banger, or bunger) is a small explosive device primarily designed to produce a large amount of noise, especially in the form of a loud bang; any visual effect is incidental to this goal.

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