What does it mean when someone says I reckon so?

What does it mean when someone says I reckon so?

“I reckon so” means “I think that is true.”

What does I reckon not mean?

reckon without. : to fail to consider : ignore.

What does it mean when somebody says it doesn’t matter?

You say ‘it doesn’t matter’ to tell someone who is apologizing to you that you are not angry or upset, and that they should not worry. “Did I wake you?”—”Yes, but it doesn’t matter.”

What is to reckon someone?

— phrasal verb with reckon verb [ T ] us. /ˈrek·ən/ to consider the effect something or someone will have: Experts did not reckon with his determination.

Does reckon mean yes?

Many people use the word just for fun. Saying “I reckon” sounds more humorous than “Yes.”

What do you guys reckon meaning?

“What do you reckon” means what do you think or believe about something.

What does it mean when a guy says it doesn’t matter?

As with, “it is what it is,” “it doesn’t matter” is often meant facetiously. The individual is usually frustrated or angry, and says it with an air of resignation. In truth, it does matter to him, but he is resigned that it doesn’t seem to matter to the other.

Does not matter sentence?

It-doesn-t-matter sentence example. I don’t know that, but it doesn’t matter. Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, I suppose. But as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter how much or how little money you have.

Is reckon formal or informal?

reckon (informal) to think that something is true or possible: I reckon (that) I’m going to get that job.

Why do Australians use reckon so much?

The word reckon is a synonym for think, but is only used for asking for opinion about something. You’re going to hear a lot of Aussies using this word in every day conversation. This word is also uses in British and American English but, people often associate this word with someone who isn’t very well-educated.

What are the senses of the word reckon?

The verb RECKON has 6 senses: 1. expect, believe, or suppose. 2. judge to be probable. 3. deem to be. 4. make a mathematical calculation or computation. 5. have faith or confidence in. 6. take account of. Familiarity information: RECKON used as a verb is common.

What does the word reckon mean in Australia?

In America it is often used to indicate someone is rural and uneducated….a civilized person would say “i suppose” or “i guess” but in Australia it does not seem to have the rural or uncivilized connotation. Example: Do you reckon she’ll have tea ready by six?

What does it mean to reckon the distance?

1 : to believe that something is true or possible I reckon we’re lost. 2 : calculate sense 1 They reckon the distance to be a mile. 3 : to regard or think of as : consider She was reckoned among the leaders.

What does reckon mean in skateboarder 2?

Skateboarder 2 : “I reckon!” Get a reckon mug for your fish Jovana. Reckon is a term used by my family , and most likely other oklahomans. Reckon when used in a sentance means guess, but you have to use it right. i never realized hoe hick it was, and that it wasnt a real word till the other day. haha

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