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What does it mean when a radiologist says unremarkable?
Findings – what was “found” out from the exam, listing each area of the body that was examined in the diagnostic imaging study. Oftentimes, the radiologist will use the word “unremarkable” if an area is normal. Impression – this is the radiologist’s “impression” or diagnosis of the diagnostic imaging exam.
What does unremarkable appearance mean?
adjective. If you describe someone or something as unremarkable, you mean that they are very ordinary, without many exciting, original, or attractive qualities. a tall, lean man, with an unremarkable face.
Why would I need a liver ultrasound?
A liver scan may be done to check for diseases such as liver cancer , hepatitis , or cirrhosis . Lesions such as tumors, abscesses, or cysts of the liver or spleen may be seen on a liver scan.
What is another word for unremarkable?
What is another word for unremarkable?
ordinary | average |
mediocre | usual |
workaday | humdrum |
undistinguished | mundane |
typical | indifferent |
What does unremarkable ovary mean?
“unremarkable” means there is nothing special or unique. “ovaries” are the part of the female body, that eggs come from. “unremarkable ovaries” sounds like someone was trying to make an insult, but doesn’t know English. or someone was pranked into saying something stupid.
Is Unremarkable a good thing?
Unremarkable: Just what you think it means. Boring! Normal. Negative: Usually referring to a medical test.
Should I worry about a liver ultrasound?
DO NOT WORRY WHEN ULTRASOUND RESULT IS FATTY LIVER. Fatty liver is a condition in which liver cells accumulate 5% to 10% more fat of the liver. To determine whether the liver is fatty or not, it must be calculated based on measurements of the liver.
Is Unremarkable good or bad?
What is the difference between unremarkable and remarkable?
As adjectives the difference between unremarkable and remarkable. is that unremarkable is not remarkable while remarkable is worthy of being remarked or noticed; noticeable; conspicuous; hence, uncommon; extraordinary.
Why is the liver considered to be unremarkable?
“The liver is unremarkable”. It is responsible for producing substances that break down fats, convert glucose to glycogen, produce urea (the main substance of urine), make certain amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), filter harmful substances from the blood (such as alcohol), storage of vitamins and minerals (vitamins A, D,…
When do Radiologists use the word unremarkable?
Radiologists use the word unremarkable when the findings from an imaging exam are to be expected for someone of that age. This does not necessarily mean the study is entirely normal, but that the results are within the limits of variability.
What did the radiologist say about the liver?
As the radiologist reported on the other organs in the abdomen, she noted some abnormalities but in referring to the patient’s liver, she wrote, “The liver is unremarkable.” I thought to myself, “No, actually, the liver IS pretty darn remarkable!
Is there an organ that can emulate the liver?
In fact, there is no artificial organ or device capable of emulating all the functions of the liver—thought to be up to 500 separate functions (usually in combination with other systems and organs). I’d say that’s pretty remarkable stuff!