What does it mean to have admiration for someone?

What does it mean to have admiration for someone?

1 : to feel respect and approval for (someone or something) : to regard with admiration They all admired her courage.

What is an example of admiration?

I have great admiration for her courage. We were filled with admiration for him. She earned the admiration of her coworkers. I have a great admiration for her courage.

How do you express admiration for someone?

How do you praise someone in words?

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What is a better word for admiration?

Some common synonyms of admire are esteem, regard, and respect.

What is the difference between respect and admiration?

As verbs the difference between respect and admire is that respect is to have respect for while admire is (obsolete|transitive) to be amazed at; to view with surprise; to marvel at.

Can you feel admiration?

Admiration is the feeling of liking and appreciating, like your admiration of your older sister. You ask her for advice and hope to be just like her when you are older. Often, there is a sense of gratitude or thanks when someone feels admiration.

What does it mean when a guy says he admires you?

What does it mean when a guy says I admire you? “I admire you.” customarily means the person is giving you sincere adulation and complimentary respect of whatever is the attribute(s) that the admirer exceedingly appreciates and likes about you as a person.

What does approval or admiration mean?

a feeling of wonder, pleasure, or approval. the act of looking on or contemplating with pleasure: admiration of fine paintings. an object of wonder, pleasure, or approval: The dancer was the admiration of everyone.

What do you call someone who admires someone?

Definitions of admirer. a person who admires; someone who esteems or respects or approves. types: venerator. someone who regards with deep respect or reverence. marveller, wonderer.

Is admiration a feeling?

What does the name admiration mean?

ADMIRATION Meaning: “wonder,” from Old French admiration “astonishment, surprise” (14c., corrected from earlier amiracion),… See definitions of admiration. Advertisement

What does of admiration mean?

Admiration is a social emotion felt by observing people of competence, talent, or skill exceeding standards. Admiration facilitates social learning in groups. [2] Admiration motivates self-improvement through learning from role-models.

To admire someone means to respect that person. You respect what they stand for, how they interact with their loved ones and with their community. This makes you want to rise to a higher level as you seek to be the inspiration for their admiration.

What does admire you mean?

admire(Verb) To be amazed at. admire(Verb) To regard with wonder and delight. admire(Verb) to look upon with an elevated feeling of pleasure, as something which calls out approbation, esteem, love or reverence; admire(Verb) to estimate or prize highly; as, to admire a person of high moral worth, to admire a landscape.

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