What does it mean to give people a voice?

What does it mean to give people a voice?

Say or express, especially an opinion or feeling. For example, The faculty gave voice to their anger over the dean’s tenure decisions. This term once meant “to vote.” Its present sense dates from the mid-1800s. See also: give, to, voice.

What does it mean to give a voice to the voiceless?

“Giving voice to the voiceless” regularly signifies that the historically underrepresented, disadvantaged, or vulnerable gain opportunities to organize, increase visibility, and express themselves by leveraging the strengths of information, media, and communication technologies.

What’s another way to say voice your opinion?

What is another word for voice your opinion?

chime in interpose
pipe up speak up
have your say put your two cents in
add one’s pennyworth participate
put in your two cents worth collaborate

What is the meaning of word adduce?

: to offer as example, reason, or proof in discussion or analysis adduce evidence in support of a theory.

What is the definition of the word vocalize?

transitive verb. 1 : to give voice to : utter specifically : sing. 2a : to make voiced rather than voiceless : voice. b : to convert to a vowel.

What is another word for voiceless?

In this page you can discover 20 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for voiceless, like: aphonic, speechless, dumb, mum, unvoiced, wordless, plosive, fricative, bilabial, voteless and mute.

Why is it important to give voice to the voiceless?

Journalists often say they strive to “give voice to the voiceless.” This can sound trite, clichéd, even patronizing. It’s on journalists to seek out the stories of those who otherwise would be left out of the public record.

What is the synonym of voice?

Some common synonyms of voice are air, broach, express, utter, and vent. While all these words mean “to make known what one thinks or feels,” voice does not necessarily imply vocal utterance but does imply expression or formulation in words.

What is it called when someone gives an opinion?

criticism. noun. the activity of giving your professional opinion about things such as new books, plays, or films.

What is the meaning of Prosecutrix?

prosecutrix in British English (ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːtrɪks) nounWord forms: plural prosecutrices (ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːtrɪsiːz ) a female prosecutor or plaintiff. Collins English Dictionary.

What does adducing evidence mean?

The term ‘adduce’ is used in court proceedings to describe the process of putting forward or presenting evidence or arguments for consideration by the court. If a party ‘adduces’ evidence of a document, it means they are using the document in court as evidence, for example by questioning a witness about the document.

What’s another word for vocalize?

Synonyms & Antonyms of vocalize

  • articulate,
  • bring out,
  • enunciate,
  • pass,
  • say,
  • speak,
  • state,
  • talk,

Which is the best synonym for the word cause?

maker. object. occasion. producer. spring. stimulation. prime mover. See also synonyms for: caused / causes / causing.

What does the idiom give way to mean?

to yield to someone or something; to give preference to someone or something. The cars gave way to the pedestrians.

Which is the best synonym for the word reason?

causes; grounds; grounds; interests; justifications; motives; rationales; rationalizations; reasons; regard; sakes

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