What does it mean to dovetail tasks?

What does it mean to dovetail tasks?

intransitive verb. : to fit together into a whole.

What is a dovetailing definition?

to fit together well, or to cause something to fit together well with something else: [ I ] Our plans dovetailed, and we were able to meet that evening. (Definition of dovetail from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

What is an example of dovetailing?

The definition of a dovetail is an interlocking wood joint formed by a wedge-shaped part joined with a matching cut-out area in the wood. An example of dovetail is what woodworkers use to attach the front of a dresser drawer.

What is dovetailing in home science?

Dovetailing is the ability to do two or three activities at the same time.

Why is it called dovetailing?

A dovetail is a joint in woodworking where two sides are fitted together with interlocking pieces. Dovetails got their name from the tail feather-like shape of the joint’s pieces.

What is dovetailing in furniture?

Dovetails are interlocking carved wood joints used in cabinetry to connect two pieces of wood — drawer fronts and sides, cabinet or cupboard corners. The technique produces a sturdy, long-lasting connection. Examining these joints helps determine the age of old furniture.

What is dovetailing in food and nutrition?

Dovetailing is the art of taking leftover ingredients from a previous meal and using them to create a fabulous meal the next day — ideal for when you and the kids have a busy schedule for the week.

What do you understand by the term dovetailing and how does it help to save time?

In business terms, this phrase means when something is perfectly done and fits in place. For example employee customer relationship would be a perfect example of dove tailing. It can save time the sense that you wont have to work extra to make two things work for each other, and it would just fall in place together.

What is energy in home science?

Energy is the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, helectrical, chemical, nuclear, or other forms.

When were Knapp joints used?

What makes the Knapp joint so special is that it was only used for about 30 years, from 1870 until 1900. This joint is the first known mechanization for making drawers in the industrial revolution age until eventually being replaced by a machine that cuts dovetails.

How is dovetailing helpful in planning food?

Menu planning and dovetailing operations enable you to bunch your saved time into a useful portion. Plan your menus for a week, two weeks, a year, or just list several meals and have all the ingredients on hand. That way, you’ll have everything down to a science and get your meals prepared in record time!

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