What does it mean to be befuddled?

What does it mean to be befuddled?

: utterly confused or puzzled : deeply perplexed … somebody may be so befuddled and self-destructive as to miss the point entirely.— Anne B. Fisher I just asked her to please talk to my agent, who understood what was going on, not me. …

What are synonyms for befuddled?

synonyms for befuddled

  • baffled.
  • bewildered.
  • dumbfounded.
  • stumped.
  • stupefied.
  • mixed up.
  • slaphappy.

Is befuddled a real word?

befuddlement Add to list Share. A state of being confused or dazed is befuddlement. When someone is utterly bewildered or mixed-up, they’re befuddled, and this extreme kind of confusion is befuddlement.

What is Befumbled?

1. To cause (someone) to be unable to think clearly; confuse: 2. To stupefy with alcohol; intoxicate. Synonyms: befuddle, addle, discombobulate, fuddle, muddle.

What is the difference between befuddled and confused?

As verbs the difference between confuse and befuddle is that confuse is to thoroughly mix; to confound; to disorder while befuddle is to perplex or confuse (someone).

Where did the word befuddled come from?

1600, “to confuse as though with drink” (transitive), of obscure origin, perhaps from Low German fuddeln “work in a slovenly manner (as if drunk),” from.

What does over strung mean?

: too highly strung : too sensitive.

What part of speech is the word befuddled?

verb (used with object), be·fud·dled, be·fud·dling. to confuse, as with glib statements or arguments: politicians befuddling the public with campaign promises.

What means stupefy?

transitive verb. 1 : to make stupid, groggy, or insensible. 2 : astonish, astound. Other Words from stupefy Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About stupefy.

What do you call someone who uses big words to sound smart?

Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook. If someone gives a sesquipedalian speech, people often assume it was smart, even if they don’t really know what it was about because they can’t understand the words.

What is the similar word of extremely bad in the text?

Horrible is popularly used to mean extremely bad—awful, dreadful, or horrendous.

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