What does it mean for a person to be territorial?

What does it mean for a person to be territorial?

territorial Add to list Share. A person — or an animal — who guards or defends the area she considers to belong to her is territorial. You can also use the adjective to describe anything relating to the territory itself.

What is territory in simple words?

A territory (plural: territories, from the word terra, which means ‘land’) is an area which belongs to a person, organization, institution, animal, nation or state. In international law, a “territory” is an area of land which is outside the borders of a nation, but owned by that nation.

What’s another word for territorial?

What is another word for territorial?

international land
local provincial
regional state
national sectional
areal district

What does territorial view mean in real estate?

good view of
Territorial view – good view of your neighbor’s bedroom window.

Is Territorial the same as jealousy?

If you are with someone territorial, you are both aware that you are committed to each other and that you’ll always come back to each other. This doesn’t come from jealousy or insecurity, so there are less likely to be trust issues. Instead, it comes from them knowing that they love you and want to be with you.B

What is a territorial friend?

You might know this friend as the one who speaks poorly of new friends or doesn’t look happy when you introduce someone new. If that’s your situation, you might have a territorial friend on your hands.

What is territorial power?

Territorial power-sharing can be understood as the sharing of the central government’s powers and responsibilities to geographical units.

What is territory example?

Territory is a plot of land controlled by a specific person, animal or country, or where a person has knowledge, rights or responsibilities. An example of territory is all the land controlled by a king. An example of territory is the area where you have been granted an exclusive license to sell a product.

What is the opposite of territorial?

What is the opposite of territorial?

free generalisedUK
generalizedUS unbounded
unconfined unlimited

What is a territorial partner?

Being territorial is wanting your partner by your side so you can be there for him/her. They are your special other half — you will fight tooth and nail to keep them from harm.

How do you deal with territorial people?

Don’t micromanage the territorial. Be proactive about recognizing and acknowledging that they are experts in their domain, without going so far as to endorse their excessive ownership. Territorial types are impressed by competence and dedication, two characteristics they prize in themselves.E

Why is territory important?

Territory is also important because in International law, jurisdiction which is an attribute of state sovereignty is exercised primarily on a territorial basis. Sovereignty is the quality of supremacy and authority over others and/or in respect of certain things.

What does the word territory mean?

territory(Noun) A large extent or tract of land; a region; a country; a district. territory(Noun) A geographic area under control of a single governing entity such as state or municipality; an area whose borders are determined by the scope of political power rather than solely by natural features such as rivers and ridges.

What are the 16 US territories?

Currently, the United States has 16 territories, five of which are permanently inhabited: Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, United States Virgin Islands and American Samoa.

What is the definition of territorial?

Definition of territorial (Entry 2 of 2) : a member of a territorial military unit : of or relating to land or water that is owned or controlled by a government —used to describe animals or people that try to keep others away from an area that they use or control

What does territories mean?

A territory is an administrative division, usually an area that is under the jurisdiction of a state. In most countries, a territory is an organized land controlled division of an area that is controlled by a country but is not formally developed into, or incorporated into, a political unit of the country that is…

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