What does a rebel person mean?

What does a rebel person mean?

a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition. adjective. rebellious; defiant. of or relating to rebels.

What is example of rebel?

The definition of a rebel is a person who stands up to or defies authority. An example of a rebel is a person involved in a political uprising. An example of a rebel is a teenager who is defying his parents. To be a rebel against the established government of one’s country.

Are Rebels good or bad?

So yeah, Rebels is definitely good, especially the last half. And it’ll get better, just like TCW did. Dave Filoni has said that Season 1 is like A New Hope, and Season 2 will be like The Empire Strikes Back. Season 2 will also have twice the amount of episodes, which is roughly the same size as a Clone Wars season.

What is it called when someone rebels?

1 defiant, insurgent, mutinous, seditious, rebel, refractory, disobedient, contumacious.

What does she’s a rebel mean?

rebel forces/soldiers the rebel leader2 someone who refuses to do things in the normal way, or in the way that other people want them to Alex has always been a bit of a rebel.

What is a true rebel?

Being a “true rebel” is as simple as taking extreme ownership of one’s life, raising kids as best as one can, and reforming from within rather than joining a mass exodus out of a broken system.

What does rebel at heart mean?

1 to resist or rise up against a government or other authority, esp. by force of arms. 2 to dissent from an accepted moral code or convention of behaviour, dress, etc. 3 to show repugnance (towards)

What’s the opposite of a rebel?

What is the opposite of rebel?

unassertive obsequious
compliant deferential
acquiescent obedient
servile slavish
subservient amenable

What is rebellion in the Bible?

Rebellion is an attitude displayed to contradict authority. Rebellion started from the beginning of Creation. 1 Samuel 15:23, God said rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Rebellion is an attitude displayed to contradict authority. Rebellion started from the beginning of Creation.

Is it OK to be rebellious?

Why is being a rebel a good thing? Rebel leaders might cause initial fear and discomfort, but they create a sense of excitement and a vision that people can get behind. Employees who rebel create the friction required to test new ideas and alternative ways of doing things that lead to better solutions.

What does rebellious mean in the Bible?

1 : opposition to one in authority or dominance. 2a : open, armed, and usually unsuccessful defiance of or resistance to an established government.

How do you become a rebel?

Being a rebel involves taking physical action, not just holding and believing in unpopular views.

  1. Even if you’re determined to be a rebel without a cause, you will need to show others that you’re your own person.
  2. You don’t have to hurt other people’s feelings or say outlandish things to be a rebel.

What is the actual meaning of the word ‘rebel’?

The definition of a rebel is a person who stands up to or defies authority. An example of a rebel is a person involved in a political uprising. An example of a rebel is a teenager who is defying his parents.

What does it mean to be a ‘Rebel Without a cause’?

Rebel Without a Cause, a. Meaning of Idiom ‘A Rebel without a Cause’. A rebel without a cause is a person who is extremely dissatisfied with the norms of society in general, including the government, but who doesn’t fight for any particular cause.

What is the definition of rebels?

Definition of rebel (Entry 2 of 3) : one who rebels or participates in a rebellion : a person who opposes or fights against a government : a person who opposes a person or group in authority : a person who does not obey rules or accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc. : to oppose or fight against a government

What is the verb for rebel?

Rebel(verb) pertaining to rebels or rebellion; acting in revolt; rebellious; as, rebel troops. Rebel(noun) one who rebels. Rebel(verb) to renounce, and resist by force, the authority of the ruler or government to which one owes obedience.

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