What does 4a mean in the draft?

What does 4a mean in the draft?

3-A Registrant with a child or children; or registrant deferred by reason of extreme hardship to dependents
4-A Registrant who has completed service; or sole surviving son
4-B Official deferred by law
4-C Alien

What are the draft classifications?

selective service classifications

  • Class I. Class I-A : Available for military service.
  • Class II. Class II –A Occupational deferment (other than agricultural or student)
  • Class III. Class III –A Extreme hardship deferment, or registrant with a child or children.
  • Class IV.
  • Class V.

What does 4F and 1A stand for?

That the first thing he was rejected from enlistment the stamp on his form was “4F” (Fantastic 4 – He was the Human Torch) and the second time his form got stamped it was “1A” (First Avenger)

What is 1A classification?

Registrants were classified 1-A (eligible for military service), 1-AO (conscientious objector available for non-combatant military service), and 1-O (conscientious objector available for alternate community service).

What is Class 3a in Selective Service?

3-A – Hardship Deferment – Deferred from military service because service would cause hardship upon his family. 4-A – Registrant who has completed service; or sole surviving son. 4-B – Official deferred by law. 4-C – Alien or Dual National – Sometimes exempt from military service.

Can a only son be drafted?

the “only son”, “the last son to carry the family name,” and ” sole surviving son” must register with Selective Service. These sons can be drafted. However, they may be entitled to peacetime deferment if there is a military death in the immediate family.

What is a 3a draft classification?

What does f4 mean in the military?

4-F – Disabled and Unfit for Military Service.

What is a 4-F card?

What does 4f mean in military?

and Unfit for Military Service
4-F – Disabled and Unfit for Military Service.

What does 3A mean in military?

I Available for service
III Deferred because of dependents
III-A Men with dependents, not engaged in work essential to national defense
III-B Men with dependents, engaged in work essential to national defense
IV Deferred specifically by law or because unfit for military service

What is 3A in the army?

The guidelines also included an update to award Army skill identifiers related to joint tour credit and qualifications, namely 3A (Joint Duty Assignment Qualified) and 3L (Joint Qualified Officer).

What did 1-A mean in the military draft?

Men classified 1-A were deemed fit for unrestricted military service. Men who were classified 1-A were deemed available for unrestricted military service. A 1-A classification meant that they could be drafted whenever needed.

What did a 3 a deferment mean in the military?

The 3-A deferment indicated that drafting an individual would create a financial hardship on the draftee’s family and the 3-A-S classification resulted from the situation where draftees already serving were granted deferments when their wife died or the status of their children’s guardian changed, creating a hardship on the dependents.

What was the draft status for the Vietnam War?

Draft Status – Draft Categories which could be assigned in 1969. The Selective Service Act of 1967 required all men between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for service. Those called up to active military duty were said to have been drafted. There many categories of draft status…I-A got you to Vietnam in a hurry.

What was the 1-D-D classification in the military?

Individuals serving in the U.S. armed forces or working for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or the Public Health Service were classified 1-C. The 1-D-D classification provided a draft deferment to some members of the military reserve or students in military training.

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