What do you reply when someone says hi stranger?

What do you reply when someone says hi stranger?

A good way to reply to this greeting is to acknowledge that you haven’t seen her in awhile and that you would like to talk soon. You might say something simple like, “Hey! It’s good to see you. I know we haven’t hung out in awhile, so let’s figure out a time to catch up that works for us both.”

How do you respond to an unknown person?

Just be straightforward. Tell them you don’t recognize their number and explain why (even if you should have it). For some of my situations I like to say: Hey!

How do you say hi to someone you don’t know?

Using Informal Greetings. Say “Hi” or “Hey” to greet someone quickly. If you’re having a casual conversation with someone you don’t know well, use “Hi” since it’s a little more formal. You can use “Hey” if you’re familiar with the person.

What is the best reply for hi?

How to Respond when someone Says “Hi” — 14 Best Ways

  • “Hey!” (Yes, you can respond in kind!)
  • “Hello!”
  • “What’s up?”
  • “Hey you!”
  • “What are you up to?”
  • “How’s your day going?”
  • “Hey! What a pleasant surprise!”

Why is hi stranger so creepy?

When it opens, the mouth issues a soft, slightly nasal male voice that caresses the viewer with compliments. Sometimes, its eyes grow heavy-lidded. Those bedroom eyes rarely stop making contact with yours. Together, these characteristics make a forcefully creepy impression.

How do you respond to a hi from a girl?

Tell a story Another interesting way of how to respond to ‘Hey’ from a girl is to convert the conversation into a fun, creative story. Such a story would get the other individual involved in the discussion, making it even more enjoyable. You can respond by saying something like, “Not good because…” and give a reason.

How do you respond to a yes text?

When a person is excited, she would say ‘yeah,’ and your response would be ‘yeah/yah/yes/that’s right.

Is it OK to respond random texts?

1. Do not reply to text messages from unknown parties. Criminals sending mass test messages learn from such responses that they have reached a real phone and are likely to send you phishing emails, spam, and other undesired communications.

How do you say hi to your crush?

Smile as you say hello and try to make eye contact, showing that you’re friendly and would like to talk some other time.

  1. For example, if you see your crush as you’re walking to your seat, say, “Hey, Adam!” with a smile and keep walking.
  2. Speak loudly and clear enough so that your crush hears you.

What does it mean when someone says hello stranger?

humorous. said to a person that you know but have not seen for a long time: Hello stranger, I haven’t seen you for weeks!

Why do people not say hi to me?

People who don’t say hi unless approached have their own reasons for it and usually have nothing to do with anybody else specifically. Edit: Turning off comments because people are displaying the rudeness I described in the answer.

What to do if someone doesn’t hear you?

If they aren’t but just are busy or didn’t hear you etc. then it’s your issue. Ask them if they heard you. Say: “Excuse me, did you hear me?” politely, of course. If you’re trying to get through to people while your working who seem miserable then you really want to be extraordinary with them. Smile extra big. Be extra friendly.

What’s the best thing to do when someone calls you?

1. Pretend someone is calling you and “answer” the phone. If we’re going to be honest here, I do this even when I’m just surrounded by strangers. Sometimes pretending like I’m not alone is way easier than actually being alone in the produce section of a super busy grocery store.

What to say when someone says hi to you?

When some one says “Hi” reply “hi, hello” with smile. If you want to continue conversation ask them their name, what they are doing, where are they from etc only if they are comfortable. remember further conversation depends on their reply and their interest.

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