What do you mean by center?

What do you mean by center?

1 : the middle part of something the center of a room. 2 : a person or thing characterized by a particular concentration or activity She likes to be the center of attention. 3 : a place used for a particular purpose day care center.

Does Centre mean a place?

centre noun [C] (PLACE)

What is difference between center and Centre?

Center and centre have the same meaning. Center is the correct spelling in American English, while in British English centre is correct. Notice that center (and centre) can be a noun, adjective, or a verb.

What is another term for center?

The point or position at an equal distance from the sides, edges, or ends of something. middle. centrality. intermediacy. midpoint.

Does center mean the same as center?

Center and centre are two spellings of the same word , which has a variety of meanings as both a noun and a verb. Center is the American spelling. Centre is the British spelling. Since centre shares the letter sequence re with Reader’s Corner in the U.K., it should be easy to reserve centre for British audiences.

What does Center on something mean?

To center on something or center around something is to focus on it or for that something to be an integral part of the process. Technically one can’t center around since the center is a specific point; however, this is an idiom and anything goes with idioms.

What does the name centers mean?

Center Name Meaning English: metonymic occupational name for a maker of belts and girdles, from Middle English ceinture, ceintere ‘girdle’. Possibly an Americanized form of German Zehnder, a variant of Zehner.

What is the abbreviaton for center?

The word center has a few common abbreviations. The most common abbreviations for center are, Cent; CEN; CTR; CNTR; The abbreviation CTR is the most common of these four abbreviations. When to Use This Abbreviation. The word center is most often abbreviated in a street address, notes, or other places, such as newspapers, where there is limited space.

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