What do you call stuff that washed up on the beach?

What do you call stuff that washed up on the beach?

1. Flotsam. When shipwrecks or treasures from the sea drift up to shore, it’s known as a flotsam. So, when you find a boat washed up suddenly one day on the sand, that’s a flotsam.

What are some examples of jetsam?

The roil and swell of popular feeling flings all sort of flotsam and jetsam into our public debate. The crowd in the echoing hall of the airport ebbs and flows like flotsam and jetsam in a dirty river. Don’t let all the flotsam and jetsam of life overwhelm you so that you can no longer judge what is important.

What is human flotsam?

anything or anyone that is not wanted or not considered to be important or useful: The homeless sleep in doorways and stations – we step over their bodies like so much human flotsam.

What would you call the wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea?

The wreckage of a yacht floating in the sea would be considered flotsam, as it was unintentionally abandoned. This term refers to both the yacht itself, and any cargo that might be floating. The wreckage would be considered the property of whoever initially owned the yacht.

What is floating debris called?

Flotsam is defined as debris in the water that was not deliberately thrown overboard, often as a result from a shipwreck or accident.

What is the difference between jettison and jetsam?

Jettison means to throw something out of ship, or to reject an object, an idea, a plan, any other things that are not needed. Jetsam is the floating things that are thrown away from a ship at sea.

What is a antonym for flotsam?

Opposite of scattered pieces of rubbish or remains. cleanliness. neatness. possessions. purity.

What are antonyms for debris?

antonyms for debris

  • belongings.
  • possessions.

What is marine debris one word?

Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is human-created waste that has ended up floating in a lake, sea, ocean, or waterway.

What is the synonym of flotsam?

Synonyms and related words Rubbish, litter and remains. rubbish. litter.

What is the synonym of the word debris?

synonyms for debris

  • detritus.
  • junk.
  • remains.
  • rubbish.
  • rubble.
  • trash.
  • wreck.
  • wreckage.

What is debris marine debris?

Marine debris is more than an eyesore Marine debris is defined as any persistent solid material that is manufactured or processed and directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally, disposed of or abandoned into the marine environment or the Great Lakes.

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