What do we call a person who is not smart?

What do we call a person who is not smart?

dim-witted, doltish, dopey. (also dopy), dorky.

What is a word for negative connotation?

What is another word for negative connotation?

negative implication negative intimation
negative nuance negative overtone
negative subcurrent negative undertone
unfortunate connotation

What’s the definition of not smart?

adjective. lacking intelligence; stupid; foolish. not endowed with a mind or intelligence.

How do you say not smart in a nice way?


  1. brainless.
  2. deficient.
  3. dense.
  4. doltish.
  5. dumb.
  6. empty-headed.
  7. foolish.
  8. half-witted.

Is poor a negative connotation?

1. Poor, impecunious, impoverished, penniless refer to those lacking money. Poor is the simple term for the condition of lacking means to obtain the comforts of life: a very poor family. Impecunious often suggests that the poverty is a consequence of unwise habits: an impecunious actor.

What can I say instead of negatively?

What is another word for negatively?

differently contradictorily
antagonistically antithetically
asymmetrically conflictingly
contrarily contrastively
discordantly disparately

What is the opposite intelligent?

Antonym of Intelligent Word. Antonym. Intelligent. Silly, Stupid, Stupid. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite smart?

What is the opposite of smart?

foolish dense
mindless moronic
nonintellectual senseless
silly slow-witted
thickheaded thick-witted

What does non intelligent mean?

adjective. deficient in intelligence; dull; stupid. not endowed with intelligence.

What does not intelligent mean?

: lacking intelligence : not intelligent an unintelligent remark a crude, unintelligent person. Other Words from unintelligent Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About unintelligent.

Is it OK to say poor?

Poor is a perfectly suitable word to describe someone of limited financial means. Society would benefit from more clarity and less dilution and distraction in our daily language.

What is it called when you’re not rich but not poor?

You can say “middle income”. “Middle class” also works, though some people who are rich also call themselves middle class.

What are some examples of negative connotation?

Examples of negative connotation: Scrawny – this would imply that the person is dangerously thin; that they look like they could be anorexic. Mushy – this implies that the person is someone who is very cheesy or far too emotional for their own good which makes them annoying and difficult to be with on a regular basis.

What words have negative connotations?

Answers for Exercise 1: “Childish” has a negative connotation implying an adult behaving immaturely. “Crippled,” “handicapped,” and “retarded” all have negative connotations and are now considered offensive. “Relaxed” is neutral, while “lackadaisical” tends to be negative and implies laziness.

What are some examples of connotation?

Examples of Connotation: A good example of connotation in words is the word spider. Word = spider. Denotation = an eight-legged arachnid. Connotation = many people are terrified of spiders, so fear is a common connotation when spider is used.

What does positive connotation mean?

Positive connotation is the idea of a word having an associated or felt meaning that is positive in some way without it necessarily reflecting the literal meaning of the word.

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