What do the three West African kingdoms have in common?

What do the three West African kingdoms have in common?

What did the three West African kingdoms have in common? Answer: The West African Kingdom would trade gold, ivory and slaves, for salt , manufactured goods, and cloth. This kingdom followed the same pattern of trading gold, ivory and slaves with the north.

How are the African kingdoms of Ghana Mali and Songhai similar?

How were they different? Ghana and Mali were similar in that each kingdom was located in West Africa, and their power depended on control of the gold-salt trade routes stretching east to the Sahara Desert. They were different in that Ghana was an older polity, having collapsed before Mali would rise to power.

How were the West African empires similar?

How were the West African empires similar? They were all wealthy because of trade. Which society was able to prevent an attempted conquest? Which society did not base its economy on trade?

What did the African kingdoms have in common?

The West African Kingdom would trade gold, ivory and slaves, for salt , manufactured goods, and cloth. These precious goods from the north would then be traded with other tribes in Western Africa adding to the wealth. The Niger River was instrumental in moving goods within West Africa.

How did East Africa differ from the kingdoms of West and South Africa?

How did East Africa differ from the kingdoms of West and South Africa? East Africa remained divided in individual trading cities rather than one large kingdom. What did Mansa Musa’s successors do with his wealth when they gained power in Mali? They spent it lavishly on luxury goods.

What similar purposes did traditional African religions share?

What similar purposes did traditional African religions share? They provided rules for living and helped people honor their history and ancestors.

What are some similarities between Ghana and Songhai?

The peopling of Ghana, Mali and Songhai Empires was similar. The three empires controlled the salt and gold trade. They were all strongly involved in the trans-Saharan trade. They all produced gold which made them to be strongly involved in the trans-Saharan trade.

What did Songhai and Ghana have in common?

Ghana, Mali, and the Songhai Empire all had trade in common as the primary lifeblood of their civilizations.

How did the East Africa differ from the kingdoms of West and South Africa?

How did East Africa differ from the kingdoms of West and South Africa? East Africa remained divided in individual trading cities rather than one large kingdom. They were all small city/states instead of one big empire.

What common feature linked the kingdoms and empires of West Africa?

What common feature linked the kingdoms and empires of West Africa? Trade ,the Muslim culture, gold and salt , skilled in the art pottery . Many them made ivory, bronze ,wood , and brass . How does Swahili symbolize the blending of cultures in East Africa?

What were the West African kingdoms?

The development of such major Sudanic kingdoms and empires as Ghana, Mali, Songhai, the Hausa states, and Kanem-Bornu along the southern fringes of the Sahara had a number of important consequences for the history of western Africa as a whole.

How was the trade that occurred along Africa’s east coast both similar and different from the trade that occurred in West Africa?

The trade that occurred along Africa’s east coast was different to the trade that occurred in West Africa because West Africa had the Gold and Salt trade that was very important to the west. In the east They had cities to trade certain items. They city states were not built and west africa had more ports?

Why did the kingdoms of West Africa end?

Most West African kingdoms slowly came to an end. Then new African kingdoms grew up to take their place. However, some kingdoms were taken over by European countries. By the 1890s, many countries in Europe were competing for land in Africa. They wanted to gain control of valuable trading goods, such as gold, oil and rubber.

Who are the three great empires in West Africa?

Between 700 and 1600 there were three great empires in the centre of West Africa: Ancient Ghana, Mali and Songhai. They all grew immensely rich by trading in gold.

What did the people of West Africa do?

The people of West Africa were skilled potters and metalworkers. Some of them worked with brass and some with gold. Potters in the kingdom of Nok made sculptures from a type of clay called terracotta. They created figures of men and women with very large heads. Many of the figures had elaborate hairstyles and wore delicate jewellery.

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