What do I do if my guinea pig has a wound?

What do I do if my guinea pig has a wound?

If a guinea pig has been injured, small wounds can be treated with “Rivanol”, “Betaisodona” or an antiseptic ointment at first. These products will disinfect the area. Always use the recommended amount for a child. Ointments and mild disinfectants for wounds are available in all chemists.

What can I put on guinea pig sores?

Guinea pigs bite and scratch themselves to gain relief from the irritation, regularly causing open sores that can become infected. The problem is usually solved when patients are treated with two to three doses of ivermectin, 14 days apart.

What does it mean when a guinea pig bites itself?

Sometimes, guinea pigs will bite you when they mean to nibble on themselves. This can be an indicator of mites or fleas. If discomfort or pain is a concern, contact your veterinarian for an exam right away. If your pig is nibbling/biting while you are holding it, it may need to get down to urinate.

Should I clean a guinea pig wound?

If you witness a fight and notice a wound on your guinea pig it is advisable to seek advice from your vet, some bite wounds can be very deep and in some cases require a stitch or tissue glue applied to close it. Small abrasions can be cleaned with saltwater daily if necessary.

How do you clean a guinea pig bite?


  1. Wash all bites and scratches right away with soap and water for 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse it with running water for a few minutes to avoid infection.

Can I put coconut oil on my guinea pig?

Fungal infections – VCO Coconut Oil has anti-fungal properties AND it is very soothing when applied AND it is not toxic to your guinea pig. Rubbing Coconut Oil on your piggies feet two or three times a week can help keep them healthy.

Can guinea pigs play in water?

With the few exceptions of guinea pigs who are exposed to water play early in life and learn to enjoy it, the answer to do guinea pigs like to play in water is typically a solid “no.”

Do guinea pigs kiss each other?

Even though most people would consider licking to be the animal equivalent of kissing, guinea pigs actually give kisses a lot like a human! It’s not quite nibbling, because they don’t use their teeth. Instead, they gently and repeatedly nip you with their lips for just a moment.

How do I know if my guinea pig is in pain?

General signs of pain and illness include:

  1. teeth grinding.
  2. hunched appearance.
  3. squinting eyes.
  4. drooling.
  5. weight loss.
  6. fast breathing.
  7. reluctance to move.
  8. squeaking in pain.

What should I do if my Guinea Pig Bit Me?

Guinea pigs can communicate through nips and nibbles, especially if their squeaks are ignored. Often, these nips are surprising but don’t draw blood. In this case, treating the guinea pig bite is as straightforward as applying antibacterial cream.

Why does my guinea pig keep biting my hand?

If she seems interested and smells your hand, or even licks your hand, then she is less likely to bite you. But if the guinea pig runs away at the movement of your hand, that may mean that she feels unsafe and threatened. You should wait before you try to pet or pick up your pet until she feels more safe.

Is it dangerous to have a guinea pig as a pet?

There is nothing to worry about with a guinea pig bite. If you are having a guinea pig as your pet, then there are bound to be instances when it will bite you. More often than not, it is a gentle peck sort of bite.

Can a guinea pig bite cause some bleeding?

You need to pay attention if the guinea pig bite has caused some bleeding. Mostly, the bite tends to be a normal one which does not cause any harm. But if it causes bleeding then you need to address the situation with care.

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