What did the missionaries bring to Africa?

What did the missionaries bring to Africa?

The blessings which Christianity has brought to West Africa are many. Apart from giving to the converts a new religious faith which they consider is superior to the traditional religions, the Christian missionaries did pioneering work in introducing new crafts, industries, Western education and modern health services.

How did missionaries contribute to colonization of Africa?

– without question, missionaries were an important factor in promoting economic change. They introduced and encouraged the use of foreign products (clothing, tea, etc.) which undermined the former self-sufficiency of the subsistence economy. This brought Africans more and more into a market economy.

Why did the missionary explorers go to Africa?

A prime goal for explorers was to locate the source of the River Nile. Expeditions by Burton and Speke (1857–1858) and Speke and Grant (1863) located Lake Tanganyika and Lake Victoria. It was eventually proved to be the latter from which the Nile flowed.

How missionaries spread Christianity in Africa?

Unlike that of Islam, Christian missionaries were compelled to spread an understanding of their gospel in the native language of the indigenous people they sought to convert. The bible was then translated and communicated in these native languages.

When did missionaries go to Africa?

Missionary work in central and southern Africa began in the early 19th century, before Europeans had colonized those regions. Missionaries were among the earliest explorers of central and southern Africa.

Why did missionaries came to East Africa?

– The European Christian Missionaries came to East Africa to spread Christianity to the people of East Africa who were pagans. – They wanted to reduce the spread of Islam by the Arabs and the Swahili who had started spreading their religion to the interior people of East Africa.

Who sent missionaries to Africa?

Missionaries were among the earliest explorers of central and southern Africa. The London Missionary Society sent David Livingstone to South Africa in 1840, where he became one of the first Europeans to traverse the continent.

What was the role of missionaries in the colonization of Africa quizlet?

What was the role of missionaries in the colonization of Africa? They educated Africans in European ways and helped to weaken African native cultures.

Who bring Christianity to Africa?

In the 15th century Christianity came to Sub-Saharan Africa with the arrival of the Portuguese. In the South of the continent the Dutch founded the beginnings of the Dutch Reform Church in 1652.

Why did European missionaries and explorers travel to Africa?

European overseas expansion grew out of fifteenth-century Iberian crown-sponsored expeditions of discovery designed to open ocean trading routes to Africa and the East. Iberian exploration shattered the cultural isolation that characterized past ages by inaugurating an intercontinental world trading economy.

How did colonial divisions in Africa lead to conflict between native African tribes?

Colonies were forced to import cheap European manufactured goods. How did colonial divisions in Africa lead to conflict between African tribes? The European powers did not create boundaries on tribal divisions and forced rival tribes to live with each other.

How did the Berlin Conference decide Africa’s fate quizlet?

How did the Berlin Conference decide Africa’s fate? It set new rules for the settlement and development of colonies in Africa.

What did the Christian missions do in Africa?

In their attempt to spread the Christian faith, win converts and transform African societies, Christian missions of all denominations opened schools and disseminated education. Scientifically very important was their pioneer work in African languages.

Why did the Scottish missionaries come to Africa?

Though the missionaries’ primary aim was to bring the gospel to Africans, some Africans consider Christianity a “white man’s religion” that was used to subdue and control them in the process of colonization. Scottish explorer Dr. David Livingstone is well-known for marrying his colonial and missionary motives.

How did Christianity come to Africa in the fifteenth century?

In the fifteenth century, Christianity came to Africa’s coastlines through forts established by European slave traders. Chaplains were assigned to forts, but their role was to serve the Europeans, not to evangelize Africans. By the 1800s believers from Europe and America, enraged by the slave trade, began establishing Christian missions in Africa.

How are the missionaries working in Africa now?

Examining the mistakes and successes of the past offers insights into how to work in Africa more effectively. As a result, missionaries are re-forming partnerships with seminaries and working alongside African leaders to teach sound theology that filters down into churches.

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