What countries are at 34 degrees north?

What countries are at 34 degrees north?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
34°0′N 40°6′E Iraq
34°0′N 45°27′E Iran
34°0′N 60°30′E Afghanistan
34°0′N 69°54′E Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Where is 44 degrees latitude in the USA?

At this latitude the sun is visible for 15 hours, 29 minutes during the summer solstice and 8 hours, 53 minutes during the winter solstice….Around the world.

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
44°0′N 87°41′W Lake Michigan
44°0′N 86°28′W United States Michigan
44°0′N 82°45′W Lake Huron

Where is the 34th latitude?

The 34th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 34 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America and the Atlantic Ocean.

Where is 35 degrees north latitude in the US?

In the United States the 35th parallel defines the southern border of Tennessee, part of the southern border of North Carolina, and the northern borders of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.

What continent is located at 30s and 60w?

When looking at 20 South and 60 West on a map, in terms of longitude and latitude, the coordinates are centered on South America.

Are there any cities in the world that are 50 degrees west?

Seriously, check the map! The only non-Brazilian place at 50 degrees West is the tiny and remote Qaqortoq, Greenland. Locations in the North and South are best known for their extremes. The poles are each covered in snow year round, so expect cold temperatures in these cities to the far North and South.

Which is the number of degrees north or south of the equator?

Latitude is the number of degrees north or south of the equator, the imaginary line that runs horizontally through the Earth. Longitude is the number of degrees east or west of the prime meridian, an even more imaginary line because it was made up. Stand up and imagine your feet represent an exact point on Earth. Do you know which way North is?

Where are 12 places within degree of prime meridian?

Here are all 12 places within a degree of the prime meridian: 1 Accra, Ghana 2 Tamale, Ghana 3 Zaragoza, Spain 4 Valencia, Spain 5 Lleida, Spain 6 Bordeaux, France 7 Brighton and Hove, England 8 London, England 9 Greenwich, England 10 Le Havre, France

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