What color light would produce white light if added to magenta?

What color light would produce white light if added to magenta?

In Example A, white light (i.e., a mixture of red, green and blue) shines upon a magenta filter. Magenta absorbs its complementary color – green. Thus, green is subtracted from white light. That leaves red and blue light to be transmitted by the filter.

What color do you mix with green to make white?

If you mix red, green, and blue light, you get white light. This is additive color. As more colors are added, the result becomes lighter, heading towards white.

What Colours are mixed to make white?

By convention, the three primary colors in additive mixing are red, green, and blue. In the absence of light of any color, the result is black. If all three primary colors of light are mixed in equal proportions, the result is neutral (gray or white).

What are the three colors of light that combine to make white light?

Mixing colored lights & mixing colored paints. The primary colors of light are also known as the additive colors, because, when you add these three colors of light (red, green and blue) your brain perceives white light.

What color is magenta white?

The web color magenta is one of the three secondary colors in the RGB color model. On the RGB color wheel, magenta is the color between rose and violet, and halfway between red and blue….Web colors magenta and fuchsia.

Magenta (Fuchsia)
sRGBB (r, g, b) (255, 0, 255)
Source X11
ISCC–NBS descriptor Vivid purple

What happens if you mix green with white?

On the top row of the above color chart, you see that when green is mixed with white it creates a lighter green. Mixing green with white is probably the easiest and most commonly thought of in regards to what two colors make green lighter.

How do you make a green light?

What Colors Make Light Green? You can make a vibrant light green shade by mixing a lot of light yellow with some blue. If you want to know how to make mint green paint, you simply add a little white to this light green. You can also lighten any green shade by adding a little more yellow or white.

Is there such a thing as a magenta color?

This would be well and good, except there’s a little problem with the statement above: on the spectrum of light, the color (s) between purple and red are as follows: yellow, green, blue, orange… etc. Instead, magenta manifests itself on the aptly-named color wheel, which illustrates colors fading into one another.

What happens when red light is mixed with green light?

Red and Green light together are seen as Yellow. 2. Magenta filter absorbs Green light and transmits Red and Blue light. Blue and Red light together are seen as Magenta. 3. Cyan filter absorbs Red light and transmits Blue and Green light. Blue and Green light together are seen as Cyan.

Which is the subtractive mix of yellow and magenta?

Where the yellow and magenta overlap, we see the subtractive mixture of yellow and magenta. In other words, we see white from which the yellow filter has subtracted blue and the magenta filter has subtracted green. This leaves red, i.e. the subtractive mix of yellow and magenta = white–blue–green = red.

What kind of Filter absorbs blue and green light?

Magenta filter absorbs Green light and transmits Red and Blue light. Blue and Red light together are seen as Magenta. 3. Cyan filter absorbs Red light and transmits Blue and Green light. Blue and Green light together are seen as Cyan.

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