What color has a wavelength of 434 nm?

What color has a wavelength of 434 nm?

Color Physics

Color Wavelength (nm)
Green 490 – 530
Blue 460 – 480
Indigo 440 – 450
Violet 390 – 430

What color of light is 436 nm?

Table of spectral or near-spectral colors

Color term, light source, or dye Sample Wavelength, nm
• Munsell 5B for V = 5, C = 20 × ≈ 482
• blue (RGB primary) 466–436
Indigo ≈ 446
Violet × 450–400 435–380

What color has a wavelength of 4.7 x10 7?

Color tone (Hue) Wavelength
GREEN 520 – 565 5.20 x 10-7 – 5.65 x 10-7
CYAN 500 – 520 5.00 x 10-7 – 5.20 x 10-7
BLUE 440 – 500 4.40 x 10-7 – 5.00 x 10-7
INDIGO 420 – 440 4.20 x 10-7 – 4.40 x 10-7

What color is light with a wavelength of 5.2 x10 7 meters?

Green light has a wavelength of 5.20 × 10−7 m and travels through the air at a speed of 3.00 × 108 m/s.

What is the color wavelength?

Visible light waves consist of different wavelengths. The colour of visible light depends on its wavelength. These wavelengths range from 700 nm at the red end of the spectrum to 400 nm at the violet end. Red has the longest wavelength, and violet has the shortest wavelength.

What color is light with a wavelength of 405 nm?

The colors of the visible light spectrum

colour wavelength interval frequency interval
red ~ 625–740 nm ~ 480–405 THz
orange ~ 590–625 nm ~ 510–480 THz
yellow ~ 565–590 nm ~ 530–510 THz
green ~ 500–565 nm ~ 600–530 THz

What Colour is 405 nm?

Some of the most commercially common blue lasers are the diode lasers used in Blu-ray applications which emit 405 nm “violet” light, which is a short enough wavelength to cause fluorescence in some chemicals, in the same way as radiation further into the ultraviolet (“black light”) does.

Which color of light has a wavelength of 5.8 x10 7 M?

Yellow light has a wavelength of 5.8 x 10-7 m and a speed of 3.0 x 108 m/s in air.

Which color of light has a wavelength of 7.0 10 7 meter in air?

Red light
Red light has a wavelength of 7.0 times 10^-7 m, what is its frequency? Socratic.

Which color of light has a wavelength of 7.0 10-7 meter in air?

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