What college do they go to in Hannah Montana?

What college do they go to in Hannah Montana?

Stanford University
However, filming is in Paris, and will take a year, making her incapable of going to college with her best friend, Lilly. She keeps this from Lilly, and tries to get Lilly to come to the decision of not wanting to go to college with Miley, when they drive to Stanford University for a weekend orientation.

Did Hannah Montana go to Stanford?

Miley’s boyfriend, Jesse, comes to see Miley, and reveals that he knows Miley’s secret, that she is the pop star Hannah Montana. Miley and Lilly’s college acceptance letters come in the mail, and Miley finds out she did not get accepted to Stanford University, when Lilly did.

Does Hannah Montana move to Tennessee?

Miley has a several amount of family, but the only members that live near her in California are her, her father Robby Ray, and her brother Jackson. The rest live in Tennessee, where Miley spent for the first eleven years of her life.

Where did Lily go to college Hannah Montana?

In “Hannah Montana,” Miley’s best friend, Lilly, gets into Stanford largely because of her extracurriculars (extracurriculars that we don’t ever see on screen in the show’s previous four seasons), while Miley is rejected – from, apparently, the only college to which she applied – until she reveals her celebrity status …

Where does Miley Stewart go to college?

Miley Stewart
Education: Standford University (freshman year-) Seaview High(9th-12th Grade) Seaview Middle (7th-8th Grade) Seaview Elementary (5th-6th Grade)
Brothers: Jackson Rod Stewart (Older brother)
Sisters: Lilly Truscott (Best Friend)

Where did Lily go to college in Hannah Montana?

What happened to Coop on Hannah Montana?

She agrees to go out with Jackson before he learns she is Cooper’s sister. The incident causes a temporary rift in Jackson and Cooper’s friendship. They are good friends again after Cooper realizes that everything was Olivia’s fault….Cooper.

Cooper Montgomery
Portrayer: Andre Kinney

Where is Hannah Montana house?

In “Hannah Montana”, Miley Cyrus’s character lives in a beach house with her dad & brother. That beach house is actually located at 30760 Broad Beach Road, in Malibu. (The house was listed for sale in 2009, with an asking price of $15 million.)

When did the first season of Hannah Montana start?

Since the show’s first season, Miley doubled as a regular teenager and a pop singer named Hannah Montana. The show premiered in 2006. Weigh in: Can Miley Cyrus evolve past “Hannah Montana” without getting stuck in train wreck territory?

How old is Miley Stewart from Hannah Montana?

Miley Stewart is a fourteen-year-old middle school student who appears to live a normal life but has a secret identity, pop singer Hannah Montana, an alias she chose so she could to have a private life away from the public spotlight. To conceal her true identity, Miley wears a blonde wig when she appears as Hannah.

Who is the creator of Hannah Montana Forever?

Official website. Hannah Montana, also known as Hannah Montana Forever in its fourth and final season, is an American musical comedy television series created by Michael Poryes, Rich Correll, and Barry O’Brien.

Who was considered for the role of Chloe Stewart in Hannah Montana?

Former American Juniors finalist Jordan McCoy, future Gossip Girl actress Taylor Momsen and pop and R&B singer JoJo (who rejected the role) were considered for the role of Chloe Stewart.

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