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What can a government purchase card be used for?
The Governmentwide purchase card may be used to (1) Make micro-purchases; (2) Place a task or delivery order (if authorized in the basic contract, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement; or (3) Make payments, when the contractor agrees to accept payment by the card.
What is the Governmentwide commercial purchase card?
Government-wide Commercial Purchase Card – The Purchase Card is used as a simple method to spend funds in the acquisition of goods and services. It is similar in nature to a commercial credit card and is issued to authorized agency personnel. The card is distinct from the Government Travel Card.
What are the authorized uses of the GPC?
The use of the GPC constitutes expenditure of appropriated funds and is limited to official Payment Cardholders and Cardholders who are appointed in writing. The GPC may be used to purchase authorized supplies, equipment, and non-personal services up to the micro- purchase threshold of $2,500 ($2,000 for construction).
What is the limit on a government purchase card?
Micro Purchase Limit/Single Purchase Limit (SPL) $3,000.00 per purchase. Recurring Services SPL $2,500.00 per fiscal year. Non-recurring Services SPL $2,500.00 per requirement.
What is a GPC card?
The Government Purchase Card (GPC) mission is to streamline payment procedures and reduce the administrative burden associated with purchasing supplies and services. The GPC provides “on the spot” purchasing, receiving, and payment authority for individuals other than contracting or purchasing officers.
What is GPC charge?
The Government Purchase Card (GPC) Program (also known as the GSA SmartPay Program) provides charge cards to agencies/departments throughout the U.S. Government.
Can GPC holders make payments against contracts?
Answer: No. The GPC is only for official, mission-related Government purchases. However, the General Services Administration (GSA) Contracting Officer for SmartPay® may issue credit cards to contractors to purchase GSA sources of supply or services under cost-reimbursable contracts.
What are three examples of misuse of the GPC?
Examples of misuse include: (1) purchases that exceed the cardholder’s limit; (2) purchases not authorized by the agency; (3) purchases for which no funding exists; (4) purchases for personal consumption; (5) purchases that do not comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and/or other applicable procurement …
What is a GPC payment?
Can you purchase fuel with a GPC?
The GPC is only for official, mission-related Government purchases. It cannot be used for personal expenses of any kind. References: FAR 13.301, Governmentwide commercial purchase card; and the Department of Defense Government Charge Card Guidebook for Establishing and Managing Purchase, Travel, and Fuel Card Programs.
Can GPC cardholders make payments against contracts?
Answer: No. The GPC is only for official, mission-related Government purchases. It cannot be used for personal expenses of any kind.
What are three examples of abuse of the GPC card?
What can be purchased with a GPC card?
The GPC is used to purchase supplies and services per the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). Purchase Cards are used as the procurement method for micro-purchases as defined in FAR 13.2. The Micro-Purchase Thresholds are: $10,000 for supplies/equipment; $2,500 for services; and $2,000 for construction. 1-2. References
Is there sufficient documentation to support individual GPC transactions?
Adequate documentation is available to support individual GPC transactions. Facts presented in the cardholder’s documentation are complete and accurate. Cardholders follow all required policies and procedures regarding purchases with the GPC.
What’s the purpose of the GSA purchase card?
The purpose of Purchase Card Programs is to minimize the paperwork needed to make, with proper authorization, purchases of up to $25,000. According to GSA, in 2000, the cards were used for more than 23 million transactions worth $12.3 billion.
Who are the stakeholders in the GPC program?
Oversight of the GPC program is a shared responsibility. All stakeholders in the program, including the Resource Manager, local audit, and the oversight organization, play a vital role in the program success. Every effort must be made to ensure GPCs are used in the proper manner and only mission-essential purchases are made.