What are the readers first impressions of Scrooge?

What are the readers first impressions of Scrooge?

First of all, Scrooge was described as a ‘tight-fisted at the grindstone,’ this suggests that Scrooge was tight with his money, and didn’t let people push him over when it came to wanting money.

How is the character of Scrooge presented in Stave 1?

In stave one, Ebenezer Scrooge is depicted as an extremely cold, callous businessman who is insensitive, cold-hearted, and miserly. Scrooge is further characterized as a greedy, solitary man during his interactions with his nephew and with his employee, Bob Cratchit.

What are your first impressions of the ghost of Christmas past?

The ghost is surreal and strange. It flickers like a candle and seems to reflect the fact that Scrooge’s past behaviour can be redeemed. The ghost is not solid and is also calm and gentle in the way it communicates with Scrooge. The Spirit gazed upon him mildly.

What impression do you form of Scrooge as the play opens what is his attitude towards Christmas?

What is Scrooge’s attitude towards Bob Cratchit, Fred, the carolers and the two philanthropists in A Christmas Carol? Scrooge is dismissive and disparaging of everyone who tries to get him to celebrate Christmas. When the story opens, it is Christmas Eve. Scrooge is grumpy, as always.

What is Scrooge’s attitude towards Christmas in Stave 1?

Scrooge is dismissive and disparaging of everyone who tries to get him to celebrate Christmas. When the story opens, it is Christmas Eve. Scrooge is grumpy, as always. He is a little grumpier than usual because everyone keeps trying to get him to celebrate Christmas.

Which character trait could be used to describe Scrooge at the beginning of a Christmas carol?

Of course, Scrooge undergoes a complete transformation over the course of the story, but at its beginning, his most notable character trait is his miserliness. He refuses to give Christmas gifts, will not donate to charity, and even is reluctant to allow his employees to take Christmas Day off. He…

What impression do we receive of the Ghost if its voice is described as soft and gentle?

Dickens tells us the Ghost’s voice is ‘soft and gentle’ (p. 24) and appears to come from a distance away; perhaps this is intended to add to the impression that the Ghost has come from the past. However, Dickens gives the Ghost a series of exclamations, suggesting that this gentle voice has power and impact.

What type of character is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?

a solemn Phantom, draped and hooded, coming, like a mist along the ground, towards him. Dickens shows a ‘solemn’ and spooky spirit in the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The ghost fills Scrooge with terror.

What impression do you get of Scrooge’s counting house?

What impression do you get of Scrooge’s counting-house? It seems dark and gloomy. The fog comes “pouring in” and Bob’s room is described as a “dismal little cell”. It also seems to be very cold as they only have small fires.

Who are the main characters in A Christmas Carol?

A Christmas Carol – Characters overview. The main character in the novella is Ebenezer Scrooge. At first we see his miserliness in contrast with his humble clerk, Bob Cratchit, and his cheerful nephew, Fred. The ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marley, warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits.

How is Scrooge described in the opening of Christmas Carol?

Christmas Carol Introduction Main body of essay The impression we get of Scrooge in the opening of the novel is………. Mean and miserly Selfish Dickens describes him as, “tight fisted at the grindstone. ” WE are also told that he is, “hard and sharp as a flint. ” The simile used by Dickens likens…

Who are the three ghosts in A Christmas Carol?

Three ghosts take Scrooge through Christmases past, present and future. Characters Bob Cratchit, his son Tiny Tim, and Scrooge’s nephew Fred, all influence Scrooge in his journey of transformation.

Why is A Christmas Carol a classic story?

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is one of the most classic stories that has been embraced by Western culture. There is a certain timelessness to the entire story, in that it demonstrates the powerful transformation of an incredibly stilted and unlikeable character to that of someone who is…

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