What are the positive effects of the Aswan Dam?

What are the positive effects of the Aswan Dam?

The collective benefits of Aswan High Dam (AHD) are increasing the Egyptian water resource, controlling and regulating floods, protecting Egypt from potential frequent droughts, increasing agriculture productivity, and completely regulating the river water.

What are the 2 reasons the Aswan High Dam was built?

The High Dam was constructed between 1960 and 1970. Its aim was to increase the amount of hydroelectric power, regulate the flooding of the Nile and increase agricultural production. The Aswan High Dam is 3,830 metres long, 980 metres wide at the base, 40 metres wide at the crest (the top) and 111 metres tall.

What are the pros and cons of the Nile River?

Some pros are that it provides water and good farming for the farmers. However, some cons are that when the Nile rushes through the land it takes people with them. It also crushes houses and causes many deaths. The Nile river is nice but it also can be very harmful.

Was the Aswan Dam a success?

But some experts argue that despite all the costs, the project has been an overwhelming success. The High Aswan allows predictable irrigation. It paid for itself within two years, and shielded Egypt from what would have been a disastrous drought throughout the 1980s, followed by potentially catastrophic floods in 1988.

What is the purpose and benefit of the Aswan dam?

With a reservoir capacity of 132km³, the Aswan High Dam provides water for around 33,600km² of irrigation land. It serves the irrigation needs of both Egypt and Sudan, controls flooding, generates power, and helps in improving navigation across the Nile.

What are the positives and negatives to Aswan dam on the Nile in Egypt?

Soil and Fertility: Although one of the benefits of the Aswan High Dam was the ability of farmers to grow crops year round, the stoppage of the Nile floods has had negative effects as well. The yearly flooding deposited a layer of rich, fertile soil that was excellent for growing crops.

What are the positives and negatives to Aswan Dam on the Nile in Egypt?

What are some benefits that resulted from the construction of the Aswan High Dam What are some problems caused by its construction?

The Aswan High Dam provides about a half of Egypt’s power supply and has improved navigation along the river by keeping the water flow consistent. Following completion of the dam there have been extensive problems, ironically caused in part because the annual flood no longer occurs.

What was one of the positive effects of the Nile River flooding?

Its vital waters enabled cities to sprout in the midst of a desert. In order to benefit from the Nile, people who lived along its banks had to figure out how to cope with the river’s annual flooding. They also developed new skills and technology, from agriculture to boat and ship building.

What is the benefits of Nile River?

The Nile provided the Egyptians with a permanent source of water and animals and fish to hunt and catch for food. Bathing in the Nile River prevented diseases from happening. Farmers needed the water to help them grow their crops.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Aswan High Dam?

Why did Egypt need a dam?

The first Aswan dam provided valuable irrigation during droughts but could not hold back the annual flood of the mighty Nile River. In the 1950s, Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser envisioned building a new dam across the Nile, one large enough to end flooding and bring electric power to every corner of Egypt.

What are the pros and cons of building dams?

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Dams Advantages and Disadvantages of Dams. In ancient times, builders utilized materials found in nature like clay or rocks for building the dams. Advantages of Dams. The world is gradually moving towards the clean energy and Electricity holds a major chunk as a source of clean energy. Disadvantages of Dams. Conclusion.

What are the negatives of dams?

Negative Impact of Dams. In flat basins large dams cause flooding of large tracts of land, destroying local animals and habitats. People have to be displaced causing change in life style and customs, even causing emotional scarring.

Why was the Aswan Dam built?

The Aswan High Dam was constructed after the Egyptian revolution to control the flooding of the River Nile, improve irrigation downstream and provide hydroelectric power that would facilitate Egypt’s planned industrialization after independence.

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