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What are the parts of a mousetrap?
It has five main parts: a hammer, which kills the mouse; a spring, which snaps the hammer down on to the mouse; a hold-down bar, which holds the hammer in the cocked position; a catch, which holds the end of the hold-down bar and releases it when the mouse jiggles the catch; and a platform, to which everything else is …
What kind of lever is a mousetrap?
second-class lever
When you set the mousetrap, you are using a second-class lever. The load is the arm of the spring that is being pushed down to compress the spring. The effort force is your fingers on the end of the snapper arm, and the fulcrum is the pivot point in the middle of the trap.
What is the physics behind a mousetrap car?
The basics The mousetrap storespotential energyin the form of the spring. That potential energy is converted into kinetic energy in the form of the arm rotating forward. The arm pulls on the wound-up string, which turns the drive wheel dowel, which is connected to the wheels, which makes the car drive forward.
What does the cheese mean in mouse trap?
Any Cheese pieces held by the captured player must be turned over to you. If the trap fails to capture the mouse, the opposing player immediately moves his or her mouse to the Safe space. If more than one mouse is on the Cheese Wheel space, they may all be captured (or missed) together.
How do you optimize a catapult?
How to Make a Catapult Launch Farther
- Use Bungee Cord Power. Use the tension of bungee cords as opposed to springs to power your catapult.
- Shoot From the Best Angle. Create an arm break that stops the arm at a 45-degree angle from the floor.
- Use a Snug Fit.
- A Sturdy Base Makes a Big Difference.
What is the force of a mouse trap?
Variability Among Trap Types in Rat and Mouse Traps Clamping force varied between 1.69 and 9.36 N (mean = 4.64, SE = 0.43, n = 23) and between 5.03 and 23.10 N (mean = 11.32, SE = 1.45, n = 18) for mouse and rat traps respectively.
How do mouse traps work?
When the spring mechanism is triggered, a metal bar snaps and kills the rodent. Glue traps often are placed in similar locations as snap traps. After encountering the trap, mice are immobilized by an adhesive surface. Rodents trapped expire from hypothermia since they can’t move and maintain their body temperature.
How does a mousetrap car function How do mousetrap cars work?
A basic mousetrap car is powered by attaching a string to the “snap” lever on the trap, looping the other end to a small hook on the axle, winding the string around the axle of the car pulling back on the lever and arming it. There are many of variations of how to attach a mousetrap to drive the wheels.
What is the point of the cheese in mousetrap?
COLLECTING CHEESE PIECES: As your mouse moves around the gameboard, you will collect Cheese pieces from the Cheese pile and from your opponents. You may use Cheese pieces later in the game to help you spring the trap on your opponents’ mice. More about this later in the instructions.
How does the spring arm of a mousetrap work?
When the mousetrap is released, however, it acts as a third-class lever. The snapper arm becomes the load, and the spring arm becomes the effort force moving the load.
How to calculate the moment on a catapult?
Calculate the moment on the catapult’s arm. The moment is equal to the force acting perpendicular to the catapult’s arm times its distance from the arm’s point of rotation. If the force is supplied by a weight, the perpendicular force is equal to the weight times the sine of the angle between the weight’s cable and the catapult arm.
How is the driving force of a catapult measured?
The driving force of the catapult is best measured as a “moment,” or the amount of rotational force imparted to the catapult’s arm. The resultant force on the projectile is a function of the rotational and tangential accelerations that the arm induces on it.
Where is the effort force in a mousetrap?
In a third-class lever, the load is at the end and the effort force is between the fulcrum and the load. When you set the mousetrap, you are using a second-class lever. The load is the arm of the spring that is being pushed down to compress the spring.