What are the main HR policies?

What are the main HR policies?

In this blog, we discuss the 10 top HR policies in India that every company should consider.

  • Employment contract.
  • Employee wages.
  • Code of Conduct.
  • Leave policy.
  • Employee provident fund.
  • Gratuity Policy.
  • Paternity and maternity leave policy.
  • Sexual harassment workplace policy.

What are HR policies and procedures?

The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization.

What are HR policies examples?

15 Must-Have HR Policies and Forms

  • At-will employment.
  • Anti-harassment and non-discrimination.
  • Employment classifications.
  • Leave and time off benefits.
  • Meal and break periods.
  • Timekeeping and pay.
  • Safety and health.
  • Employee conduct, attendance and punctuality.

What is HR in Airtel?

Human Resources (HR) & Talent Management Executive.

What are HR policies in HRM?

Human resource policies are the formal rules and guidelines that businesses put in place to hire, train, assess, and reward the members of their workforce.

How many HR policies are there?

HR Policies – 6 Important Types: Originated, Appealed, Imposed, General, Specific and Written Policies and Implied Policies.

What are the 4 C’s of HR policies?

According to the results, a majority of respondents said that the four C’s—critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity—have been articulated within their organizations as priorities for employee development, talent management and succession planning.

Who is the HR head of Airtel?

Heena Naithani
Heena Naithani has been appointed head – human resources, for Airtel Business, Bharti Airtel. She moves from Citi India, where she was vice president – human resources.

What is TV HR?

HRTV is a 24/7, television-based multimedia network dedicated to HR’s and Job seekers which focus on career development and progressions. — HRTV also features other forms of HR Happenings, #HRNews All over the Globe as well as to get a quick update to the job hunters like which positions are available in the market.

What are the 3 types of HR policies?

The following three important HR policy types to consider may also appear in the employee handbook for employee reference.

  • Conduct Policies. HR policies that address employee conduct define “appropriate workplace behavior” for employees.
  • Safety Policies.
  • Disciplinary and Termination Policies.

What is 4c model in HRM?

The four human resource outcomes in the Harvard version of HRM: commitment, competence, congruence, and cost-effectiveness.

How do you write a HR policy?

The five steps needed to develop and implement a new employer policy are outlined below.

  1. Step 1: Identify the Need for a Policy.
  2. Step 2: Determine Policy Content.
  3. Step 3: Obtain Stakeholder Support.
  4. Step 4: Communicate with Employees.
  5. Step 5: Update and Revise the Policy.

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