What are the best jobs for a teenager?

What are the best jobs for a teenager?

20 of the best jobs for teens

  • Fast food attendant. National average salary: $9.29 per hour.
  • Car wash attendant. National average salary: $10.17 per hour.
  • Kennel assistant. National average salary: $10.54 per hour.
  • Grocery store cashier.
  • Daycare assistant.
  • Concession stand worker.
  • Restaurant server.
  • Restaurant host/hostess.

What are good 15 year old jobs?

What sort of work can 14 and 15-year-olds do?

  • Barista. National average salary: $11.66 per hour.
  • Busser. National average salary: $10.87 per hour.
  • Caddy. National average salary: $14.43 per hour.
  • Cashier. National average salary: $11.52 per hour.
  • Dog walker.
  • Dishwasher.
  • Host/hostess.
  • Lifeguard.

Why is it so hard to get a job at 17?

It is particularly hardest on the inexperienced or lowest-skill, since employers reason that if they are forced to pay a higher-level pay they might as well get someone with the experience and skills to warrant it.

What percent of 15 year olds have a job?

In July 2020, 46.7 percent of young people were employed, down from 56.2 percent in July 2019. (The month of July typically is the summertime peak in youth employment.) The unemployment rate for youth was 18.5 percent in July 2020, down from 26.9 percent in April but still about twice as high as a year earlier.

What percentage of 17 year olds are virgins?

The average American loses his or her virginity at age 17. Virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males ages 20 to 24. He told me this less as a brag and more as a preface. McDorman had lost his virginity just a year prior.

Why can’t teens find jobs?

Many teenagers have a hard time finding their very first job for the same reason that they want it, they have never had one before. Even with volunteer experience, it is hard to get hired because often we’re portrayed as ‘irresponsible,’ ‘lazy,’ or simply wanting a job to get money and irresponsibly spend it.

Should teenager get a job?

The Pros and Cons of Allowing a Teenager to Work Jobs help kids develop a sense of responsibility. Jobs help kids develop a greater sense of self. Teens that work a reasonable amount of hours—less than 15 hours a week—get better grades than teens who don’t work. Jobs help kids transition from youth to adulthood.

Are there any good jobs for a teen?

Jobs for teens need to fit your life. That means they can’t require loads of experience, have a rigid 9-to-5 schedule (hello, school), or—let’s be honest—be boring. Never fear, there are good jobs for teenagers within your reach, right here on Monster.

Why are entry level jobs good for teens?

For instance, it can give you greater confidence, meaningful responsibility, and a new sense of independence. Teen jobs can also play a key role in helping you choose a career path . It’s true: Entry-level jobs have the potential to help you decide whether certain careers may be right for you.

How old do you have to be to get a job as a teenager?

Here’s a list of companies that hire high school students. Most require you to be 16, but some hire 14- and 15-year-old employees as well. Details about job requirements are usually posted on the companies’ websites, so check before you take the time to apply.

What kind of job can a 16 year old get?

Although many teens earn minimum wage in retail, it’s possible to earn more: The average hourly wage for all retail workers is $14.12. And many retail stores offer good first jobs for 16-year-olds.

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