What are the advantages of non participant observation?

What are the advantages of non participant observation?


  • Allows researcher to see what goes on with their own eyes – can make judgements and observe body language used.
  • Researcher can be more open minded as they’re an outsider looking in – less likely to feel sympathy and therefore produce bias data.

What are advantages and disadvantages of non participant observation?

An advantage of covert observation is that it should be high in validity, as people are observed in natural surroundings, and – as they are unaware of being observed – the Hawthorne Effect is avoided. However, a disadvantage of covert observation is that it raises a number of ethical concerns.

What are the advantages of overt participant observation?

A significant advantage of overt participant observation is that it generally makes it easier for the researcher to separate the roles of participant and observer (and thereby reduce the chances of becoming so involved in a group they stop observing and simply become a participant).

What is the advantages and disadvantages of participant observation?

Participant observation provides more flexibility with regard to qualitative research than other methods that use this approach. It allows researchers to maintain an open mind, giving them opportunities to follow up on different ideas, theories, and directions if something interesting occurs during their work.

What is overt non participant observation?

Non-participant observation can be overt or covert. Overt means that research subjects know that researchers are present, but they do not interact with each other – for example, when a researcher joins employees for meetings without interfering at all.

What is a overt observation?

Overt observation is where those being observed are aware of the fact. The researcher may still participate in the activity being observed (overt participant observation) or might play no part and simply observe (overt non-participant observation).

What is difference between participant and non participant observation?

The primary difference between participant and non- participant observation is that in the former the researcher joins the group being studied and actively takes part in their activities, thereby collecting data from first-hand empirical experience, whereas, in the latter the researcher may be physically present in a …

What is overt non-participant observation?

What is a disadvantage of overt observation?

Overt observations have more advantages than disadvantages making them a good method to use for research. However there are disadvantages such as the hawthorne effect which can effect the validity of the research. Also it is not always representative of the sampling frame.

What is the difference between non participant and participant observation?

Why is overt participant observation better than covert?

Overt PO is more objective and can be ethical. The participants are aware that the data is for a study and publication and they are less likely to withdraw. This means that the data from covert PO may go unpublished and the researcher may have to reconduct another research method, wasting time and energy.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of official statistics?

Advantages of official statistics: cheap; wide coverage; reliable; available. Disadvantages of official statistics: rigid; definitions; selective; sampling. The social construction of official statistics. Example: crime and criminal statistics.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of non participant observation?

Non-participant observation advantages Doesn’t influence the group, less time consuming/easier use of a structured observation schedule objectivity, Non-participant observation disadvantages (Theoretical) Only way to achieve true verstehen and validity is to use participant observation (Interpretivist)

What are the advantages and disadvantages of covert observation?

Covert disadvantages: Ethical Law-breaking; lack of informed consent Non-participant observation advantages Doesn’t influence the group, less time consuming/easier use of a structured observation schedule objectivity, Non-participant observation disadvantages (Theoretical)

Which is a fruitful result of participant observation?

A fruitful result of participant observation is very much dependent upon the resourcefulness, tactfulness, personality manners and wit of the research worker. The following are the merits of participant observation: The natural behaviour of the respondent can be studied by participant observation.

When is an observer a non-participant in a group?

When the observer observes the group passively from a distance without participating in the group activities, it is known as non-participant observation. Here he does not try to influence them or take part in the group activities.

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