What are the advantages and disadvantages of interquartile range?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of interquartile range?

Advantages of IQR  It is not affected by extreme values as in the case of range.  It is useful in estimating dispersion in grouped data with open ended class. Disadvantages of IQR IQR as a measure of dispersion is most reliable only with symmetrical data series.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mode mean and median?

Advantages and disadvantages of averages

Average Advantage
Median The median is not affected by very large or very small values.
Mode The mode is the only average that can be used if the data set is not in numbers, for instance the colours of cars in a car park.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of range?

Merits and Demerits of Range

  • It is easiest to calculate and simplest to understand even for a beginner.
  • It is one of those measures which are rigidity defined.
  • It gives us the total picture of the problem even with a single glance.
  • It is used to check the quality of a product for quality control.

What is the advantage of interquartile range over range?

The primary advantage of using the interquartile range rather than the range for the measurement of the spread of a data set is that the interquartile range is not sensitive to outliers. To see this, we will look at an example.

What is the disadvantages of interquartile range?

The main disadvantage in using interquartile range as a measure of dispersion is that it is not amenable to mathematical manipulation.

What are the disadvantages of Iqr?

The disadvantage of the interquartile range is that it is a positional mea- sure, based on only the twenty-fifth and seventy-fifth percentiles. The next measures of variation to be examined in these notes, the standard devia- tion and variance, remedy this defect.

What are the two advantages of median?

1) It is easy to compute and understand. 2) It is well defined an ideal average should be. 3) It can also be computed in case of frequency distribution with open ended classes. 4) It is not affected by extreme values and also interdependent of range or dispersion of the data.

What are the disadvantages of median?

Disadvantages. It does not take into account the precise value of each observation and hence does not use all information available in the data. Unlike mean, median is not amenable to further mathematical calculation and hence is not used in many statistical tests.

What do you mean by range and its advantages?

It is rigidly defined. It is simple to understood even by a man of ordinary prudence. It is very easy to calculate as its formula rests only on two simple factors i.e. L and S. It takes the least possible time to be calculated.

What are the disadvantages of the range as a measure of dispersion?

The disadvantage of range is that it is extremely sensitive to outliers.

What is the disadvantage of interquartile range?

What are the advantages of using the standard deviation over range and interquartile range?

The standard deviation describes how​ far, on​ average, each observation is from the mean. It is affected by extreme​ values, but the advantage that it has over the interquartile range is that it uses all the observations in its computation.

Which is an advantage of the interquartile range?

The important advantage of interquartile range is that it can be used as a measure of variability if the extreme values are not being recorded exactly (as in case of open-ended class intervals in the frequency distribution).[2] Other advantageous feature is that it is not affected by extreme values.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mean, median and mode?

What is the advantages and disadvantages of mean, median and mode? Mean = Sum of all values / number of values. Mean is typically the best measure of central tendency because it takes all values into account. But it is easily affected by any extreme value/outlier.

When to use median in a data set?

It is typically when the data set has extreme values or is skewed in some direction. Note that median is defined on ordinal, interval and ratio level of measurement Mode is the most frequently occurring point in data. It is best for nominal data set in which both median and mode are undefined.

What are the disadvantages of using a range?

Range is highly affected by sampling fluctuations. 3. Range cannot be determined in case of open end class distribution. 4. It is not suitable for further algebraic treatments and other mathematical calculations. Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook

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