What are the 6 elements of computer?

What are the 6 elements of computer?

Elements of a Computer System:

  • (i) Hardware:
  • (ii) Software:
  • (iii) People:
  • (iv) Procedures:
  • (v) Data:
  • (vi) Connectivity:
  • (i) Input Unit:
  • (ii) Central Processing Unit (CPU):

What are the five elements of a computer system?

There are five main hardware components in a computer system: Input, Processing, Storage, Output and Communication devices.

How many elements are in a computer?

Elements of a Computer System. There are six main elements that make up a computer system. They all interact with each other and perform the task at hand.

What are the elements of computer communication system?

This system consists three basic components: transmitter, channel, and receiver.

What are the functional elements of a computer?

A typical digital computer system has four basic functional elements: (1) input-output equipment, (2) main memory, (3) control unit, and (4) arithmetic-logic unit. Any of a number of devices is used to enter data and program instructions into a computer and to gain access to the results of the processing operation.

What is an element in computer HTML?

An HTML element is a type of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document component, one of several types of HTML nodes (there are also text nodes, comment nodes and others). Each element can have HTML attributes specified. Elements can also have content, including other elements and text.

What are these three fundamental elements?

These three fundamental elements are: link presence (which must include link extent), link destination (which must include multiple destinations), link mapping (which must display link and node relationships).

What is element of system?

A system has three basic elements input, processing and output. The other elements include control, feedback, boundaries, environment and interfaces.

What are the elements of computer architecture?

There are three elements in computer architecture. These elements are input/output devices, internal devices and how computer works. The first element of computer architecture is input/output devices.

What are the four essential elements of a computer?

7 essential hardware components Motherboard. Think of the motherboard as the backbone of nearly any technological device. Networking cards. Networking cards, or network interfacing cards, may be separate cards or integrated into the motherboard. Graphics card. A graphics or video card can come in two varieties – integrated or expansion. Processor. Hard drive. USB ports. Monitor ports.

What are the major elements of computer?

Although the specific architecture of different types of computers may be different, all computers accomplish data processing using five basic elements of the computer system: input, output, datapath, control and memory.

What elements make up a computer?

Elements of Computer. The core elements of a computer include ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit), Memory or Storage Unit, Control Unit and I/O devices (Input & Output Devices).

What are the components of the computer?

Basic hardware components of a modern personal computer, including a monitor, a motherboard, a CPU, a RAM, two expansion cards, a power supply, an optical disc drive, a hard disk drive, a keyboard and a mouse. Inside a custom-built computer: power supply at the bottom has its own cooling fan.

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