What are synonyms of Occupy?

What are synonyms of Occupy?

Synonyms & Antonyms of occupy

  • absorb,
  • bemuse,
  • busy,
  • catch up,
  • engage,
  • engross,
  • enthrall.
  • (or enthral),

Is unoccupied opposite of occupied?

“You should give him a call now while his line is available.”…What is the opposite of occupied?

empty vacant
tenantless untenanted
uninhabited unoccupied
unpopulated available
forsaken desolate

What is a word for not occupied?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unoccupied, like: occupied, quiescent, empty, abandoned, un-occupied, vacant, tenantless, at-leisure, deserted, idle and inactive.

What is an antonym for occupation?

occupation. Antonyms: idleness, vacancy, leisure, abandonment, vacation, resignation. Synonyms: employment, avocation, possession, usurpation, encroachment, tenure, calling, pursuit, trade, business, holding.

What is the antonym of eagerly?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for eagerly. apathetically, indifferently, lukewarmly, perfunctorily.

What word is an antonym of eagerly?

Words popularity by usage frequency

ranking word
#53112 apathetic
#68910 unconcerned
#71943 uninterested
#77099 unmoved

What does unoccupied mean in insurance?

Unoccupied means there is a not a clear human presence in a property. Whether or not a building is occupied is an important distinction for property insurance because many property insurance policies have exclusions for property that is unoccupied.

What is unoccupied land?

Unoccupied land means land that is undeveloped, unused, and upon which no structures or improvements have been built.

What does it mean to occupy a house?

Gaining or having physical possession of real property subject to, or in the absence of, legal right or title.

What is the legal definition of Occupy?

To hold In possession; to hold or keep for use.

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