What are not considered academic sources?

What are not considered academic sources?

Non-Academic articles can be found in periodicals similar to Time, Newsweek or Rolling Stone. As a general rule religious texts and newspapers are not considered academic sources. Do not use Wikipedia for an academic source.

What sources are not allowed in a research paper?

Usually inappropriate: magazines, blogs, and websites These may include articles in popular magazines or postings in blogs, forums, and other websites. In general, although these sources may be well-written and easy to understand, their scientific value is often not as high as that of peer-reviewed articles.

What are 5 academic sources?

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  • Scholarly publications (Journals)
  • Popular sources (News and Magazines)
  • Professional/Trade sources.
  • Books / Book Chapters.
  • Conference proceedings.
  • Government Documents.
  • Theses & Dissertations.

What are academic research sources?

Academic sources, also called scholarly sources, are sources which can include books, academic journal articles, and published expert reports. The content in academic sources has usually been peer-reviewed, which means that it’s been reviewed by experts on its topic for accuracy and quality before being published.

How are non academic sources used?

Non-scholarly sources:

  1. Might be written by a professional writer who is not an expert in the field.
  2. Don’t always name the authors.
  3. Are written about events, and political, moral, or ethnic opinions.
  4. Use ordinary language because they are aimed at a general audience.

What is a non research article?

On the other hand, there are also types of non-research articles that are not less useful value such as opinion articles and correspondence. The opinion articles contain opinions about certain phenomena that can lead to ideas for further study, whereas correspondence articles contain responses to published articles.

What sources of information are not appropriate for academic writing?

Using these sources in academic writing can result in discrediting writers’ status….What sources should be avoided?

  • out-of-date materials (published over 10 years ago);
  • posts from social networks (i.e. facebook);
  • blogs;
  • research articles without citations;
  • websites ending in .com, . org, . net etc.

Which type of source is not considered appropriate for academic research?

Answer: The sources which are not considered appropriate for the academic research are generally termed as non-credible sources.

What is the list of all the sources used in the research?

The reference list (APA) or works cited (MLA) list is an alphabetical list of citations for the sources you used in your work. This list appears at the end of your work.

Where can you find academic sources?

15 Scholarly search engines every student should bookmark

  • Google Scholar. Google Scholar was created as a tool to congregate scholarly literature on the web.
  • Google Books.
  • Microsoft Academic.
  • WorldWideScience.
  • Science.gov.
  • Wolfram Alpha.
  • Refseek.
  • Educational Resources Information Center.

What are reliable academic sources?

A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. based on strong evidence. Scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or books -written by researchers for students and researchers. Original research, extensive bibliography.

What are the differences of academic and non academic text?

Academic texts are formal, based on facts and evidence and always contain citations. Non-academic texts, on the other hand, are writings that are informal and dedicated to a lay audience. They are usually on general topics and use casual or colloquial language, and may contain the writer’s personal opinions.

What kind of sources do you use for research?

Scholarly articles are one of the most common types of sources your professors will require you to include in your research. Scholarly articles are found in journals, which you can search for in a database. The McQuade Library subscribes to over 220 databases that range from general to subject-specific.

What makes a source a ” scholarly source “?

Scholarly sources (also referred to as academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed sources) are written by experts in a particular field and serve to keep others interested in that field up to date on the most recent research, findings, and news. These resources will provide the most substantial information for your research and papers.

Can you search for articles in academic journals?

Many of the Library’s Article Databases allow you to narrow your search to peer-reviewed (academic) journals, but your search doesn’t end there; not all articles retrieved from academic journals are going to be research articles.

What makes a review article a good source?

A Review Article is a secondary source that reports and summarizes other authors’ works for the purpose of reviewing the state of the literature on a particular topic. Review articles contain helpful bibliographies and can be excellent sources for identifying Research Articles in an area of study, but they are not themselves Research Articles.

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