What are energy-rich organic compounds such as fat?

What are energy-rich organic compounds such as fat?

Energy-rich organic compounds, such as fats, oils, and waxes, that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Which types of organic compounds provide energy?

Carbohydrates are organic compounds such as sugars and starches. They provide energy and form structures such as cell walls. Lipids are organic compounds such as fats and oils.

Which type of organic compound is made up of much more carbon and hydrogen than oxygen?

Lipids. Lipids are organic molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The ratio of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms is much higher in lipids than in carbohydrates. Lipids include steroids (the material of which many hormones are composed), waxes, and fats.

What is an organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and sometimes sulfur?

Proteins are organic compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and, in some cases, sulfur. Proteins are made of smaller units called amino acids. There are 20 different common amino acids needed to make proteins.

What is energy-rich organic compound?

A carbohydrate is an energy-rich organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Sugars and starches are examples of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important components of some cell. parts, including cell walls and cell membranes.

What energy-rich organic compound is produced as a result of the Calvin cycle?

Test 2

Question Answer
What energy-rich organic compound is produced as a result of the calvin cycle? glucose.
High-energy photons have what? short wavelengths.
During photosynthesis, photons raise electrons to higher energy levels. These excited electrons belong to what compound? chlorophyll.

What organic compound gives the most energy?

The organic compound that stores the most energy is lipids. Lipids are fats and one of their main jobs in the body is to store energy.

Why are lipids energy rich?

Fats. Fats are large molecules that are composed of three fatty acid molecules bonded to a glycerol molecule. Because carbon-hydrogen bonds are considered energy rich, fats store a lot of energy per unit. In fact, a gram of fat stores more than twice as much energy as a gram of a polysaccharide such as starch.

Which is more complex organic or inorganic compound?

All organic molecules contain carbon atoms and they tend to be larger and more complex molecules than inorganic ones. This is largely because each carbon atom can link with four other atoms. All organic compounds also contain hydrogen and they may also contain other elements.

What is energy rich organic compound?

What energy rich organic compound is produced as a result of the Calvin cycle?

What makes up an energy rich organic compound?

Energy-rich organic compound, such as a sugar or a starch, that are made up of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These organic molecules contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. carbohydrates

What kind of molecules are fats made of?

Key Concepts: Terms in this set (33) lipids Energy-rich organic compounds, such as fats, oils, and waxes, that are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fats Hydrophobic molecules. Organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and store food energy until needed (Fats)

Which is the best description of an organic compound?

A small molecule that is linked chemically to other amino acids to form proteins. Energy-rich organic compound, such as a sugar or a starch, that are made up of the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. These organic molecules contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio.

Which is an organic molecule made of carbon and hydrogen?

Organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen and store food energy until needed (Fats) lipids saturated fatty acid A fatty acid with a carbon chain full of hydrogen atoms, meaning no carbon-carbon double bonds; usually from animal sources and solid at room temperature.

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