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What are Chinooks for kids?
A chinook is a warm westerly wind that sometimes flows over Canada’s Rocky Mountains in the winter. It can raise temperatures in southern Alberta by twenty or thirty degrees in an hour.
What are Chinooks traditions?
The Chinook were prolific traders, and often traveled the network of rivers in the Pacific Northwest trading with other villages and White frontiersmen. They bartered fish products, furs, cedar, carvings, and slaves. They even evolved a special trading language known as Chinook Jargon.
What ceremonies did the Chinook tribe have?
These guardian spirits also gave the youth good luck and taught them songs and dances. The Chinook had singing ceremonies in order to have public demonstrations of these gifts. Another important ceremony for the Chinook was potlatches. This was the ceremonial giving of property to others in the tribe.
What did the Chinook do for fun?
Many Chinook children like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers. In the past, Indian kids had more chores and less time to play, just like early colonial children. But they did have dolls, toys and games to play. A lacrosse-like game called koho was a popular among teenagers as it was among adult men.
What kind of games did the Chinook tribe play?
A lacrosse-like game called koho was a popular among teenagers as it was among adult men. Like many Native Americans, Chinook mothers traditionally carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs.
What are Chinook helicopters used for?
The Chinook is a multi-mission, heavy-lift transport helicopter. Its primary mission is to move troops, artillery, ammunition, fuel, water, barrier materials, supplies and equipment on the battlefield.
Why is it called a Chinook?
The Chinook is named after the Chinook Indians who lived along the Columbia River, and who were the first people to tell stories of “The Great South Wind”, or, in their language, the “Snow Eater”.
What did the Chinook Indians do with their children?
They do the same things any children do–play with each other, go to school and help around the house. Many Chinook children like to go hunting and fishing with their fathers. In the past, Indian kids had more chores and less time to play, just like early colonial children.
What kind of games did the Chinook Indians play?
A lacrosse-like game called koho was a popular among teenagers as it was among adult men. Like many Native Americans, Chinook mothers traditionally carried their babies in cradleboards on their backs. Here are some pictures of cradleboards .
Where do the Chinook Indians live in Oregon?
The Chinook Nation is not federally recognized by the United States. That means Chinook people do not have a reservation or live on tribal lands. They live scattered throughout towns and villages in Oregon and Washington state.
How is the name Chinook pronounced in English?
Chinook is pronounced “chih-nook.”. This is an English pronunciation of the Salishan place name Tsinuk, which was also the name used for the Chinook Jargon trade language.