What animals have 2 word names?

What animals have 2 word names?

Title Recall: 10 Creatures with Doubly Descriptive Names

  • Horsefly. (images via: TAMU, Luke Is Digging, Permatreat and Wikipedia)
  • Mantis Shrimp. (images via: Aquatic Animals, eHow and British Marine Life Study Society)
  • Wolf Fish.
  • Cowbird.
  • Kangaroo Rat.
  • Raccoon Dog.
  • Elephant Seal.
  • Bearcat.

What words come from animals?


  • amnia.
  • anima.
  • lamia.
  • lanai.
  • liana.
  • liman.
  • mania.
  • What is an animal name?

    Terms by species or taxon

    Animal Young Male
    Ant larva pupa drone
    Anteater pup boar
    Antelope calf buck

    What are animal words?

    Animal Terms (short list)

    animal plural male
    fish fish, fishes male
    fox foxes dog, reynard
    horse horses stallion, colt (young)
    kangaroo kangaroos buck

    What animals have 6 letters?

    ANIMAL PLANET™ Guess the Animals Quiz Answers 6 Letters Words, Cheats, Solutions for iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android, Kindle . Game by 100 Pics Ltd. Rabbit. Walrus. Jaguar. Iguana. Mantis. Marmot.

    What are some animals that begin with the letter?

    1) Armadillo. Image Source: fdncms.com Armadillo’s scientific name is Dasypodidae, this animal well-known as their strong armour. 2) Ant. Image Source: nautil.us Of course, the ant has A letter! 3) Anteater. 4) Antechinus. 5) Agama. 6) Alligator. 7) Archerfish. 8) African Wolf Spider. 9) Anaconda. 10) African Tree Pangolin.

    What do animals have 10 letters?

    – Chimpanzee – Great White – Kingfisher – Sperm Whale – Wildebeest – Canada Lynx

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