Is there a dash in worldwide?

Is there a dash in worldwide?

Dash is now accepted at an additional 1,000 merchants and 250+ ATMs worldwide, the eponymous company behind the cryptocurrency announced today.

How do you use the word worldwide in a sentence?

Worldwide sentence example

  1. There was a rising worldwide consumption of consumer goods.
  2. Tea is the second most popular drink worldwide .

Is worldwide a compound word?

Compound Words Definition Other examples include airport, worldwide, birthday, extraordinary, sailboat, and a bunch of other sports terms like baseball, softball, basketball, etc.

Is earthwide one word or two?

adj. 1. pertaining to or involving the whole world. 2.

What part of speech is worldwide?


part of speech: adjective
definition: spread or extending all over the world. antonyms: local similar words: global, universal
related words: universal
Word CombinationsSubscriber feature About this feature
part of speech: adverb

How do you spell around the world?

Definition of around the world.

Does worldwide mean international?

As adjectives the difference between worldwide and international. is that worldwide is spanning the world while international is of or having to do with more than one nation.

Is worldwide an adverb?

WORLDWIDE (adjective, adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

Is it worldwide or worldwide?

Message: The adjective/adverb worldwide is spelled as one word.

Is worldwide an adjective or noun?

worldwide ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌ ​adjective, adverb. UK /ˌwɜː(r)ldˈwaɪd/ DEFINITIONS1. happening or existing all over the world.

What does worldwide mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : extended throughout or involving the entire world.

Is worldwide a noun or verb?

Why is there no hyphen in the word real world?

No hyphen is needed because the relationship between the words is different. He was living in the real world. He had a real-world predisposition for objectivity. In the first sentence “real” is an adjective that modifies the noun in the prepositional phrase, “in the real world.”

When do you use a hyphen for a word?

What words should be hyphenated? 1 Compound adjective + noun 2 Age + noun. The five-year-old boy is ready for school. 3 Numbers 21 through 99. You need a hyphen when writing out numbers twenty-one and ninety-nine, and everything between. 4 Some prefixes. Place your order pre-Christmas to enjoy our discount. 5 For clarity.

Do you hyphenate a word or leave it out?

In the second set, the hyphens seem a little excessive. Ultimately, the choice of whether to hyphenate these terms or not comes down to common sense: if it makes sense without a hyphen, leave the hyphen out. If the hyphen would make the sentence clearer, add one in. 2. Hyphenating comparative and superlative compound adjectives

Do you capitalise the first word in a hyphenated word?

It’s a common misconception that when you hyphenate two words they behave as one word, and so only the first word should be capitalised in a title case heading, product name or similar. This isn’t true of most compound adjectives. Unless the first part is a prefix (such as pre-, anti- or co-), both words should be capitalised the same way.

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