Is there a country beginning with every letter of the alphabet?

Is there a country beginning with every letter of the alphabet?

There are 195 countries in the world, but only 24 out of 26 alphabet letters begin their names. See if you can guess which letters are missing. Drum roll, please: Turns out, no countries in the world start with the letters W or X.

Are there 197 countries?

By most accounts, 197. There are 193 members of the United Nations (and 2 non-member observer states: the Holy See (Vatican City) and Palestine). Therefore the number 195 is too often used to represent the number of countries in the world.

How many countries in the world start with the letter A?

11 countries
Of the 194 countries on Earth, 11 countries start with the letter A.

Are there 206 countries in the world?

Countries in the World: There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

Is there a country beginning with Y?

There is only one country that begins with the letter Y: Yemen.

Is there a country beginning with the letter O?

Meanwhile, Oman is the only country that starts with the letter O.

Are there 249 countries in the world?

According to ISO ‘Country codes’ standard, there are 249 countries in the world (194 of them independent). Can you name all of their capitals? The list of countries is taken from ISO 3166-1: Country codes. Capitals are taken from Wikipedia.

What countries are in 2021?

Currently, the U.N. recognizes 193 countries as member states. It also recognizes two “observers states”, the Holy See/Vatican City and Palestine, which are self-ruling territories but not full-fledged countries….How Many Countries Are There 2021.

Country Cook Islands
2021 Population 17,565
Area 236 km²
Region Oceania
Subregion Polynesia

What country starts with E?


  • East Germany (German Democratic Republic)*
  • Ecuador.
  • Egypt.
  • El Salvador.
  • Equatorial Guinea.
  • Eritrea.
  • Estonia.
  • Eswatini.

Is there a country beginning with O?

How many countries in the world begin with a letter?

There are 195 countries in the world, but only 24 out of 26 alphabet letters begin their names. See if you can guess which letters are missing. Put your thinking caps on, globe-savvy readers.

Can you name a country for every letter of the alphabet?

All you have to do is name one country for each letter of the alphabet (except for W and X). If you get stuck, tap “Guess” and then “I give up!” to see possible correct answers. Good luck! I give up! I give up!

Which is the only country that starts with the letter Y?

If you guessed Y, you were close—but you probably forgot about Yemen, which is the only country in the world that starts with the letter Y. Meanwhile, Oman is the only country that starts with the letter O.

Are there any countries that start with the letter O?

Meanwhile, Oman is the only country that starts with the letter O. Other rare letters include Q and Z; no countries but Zambia and Zimbabwe begin with the letter Z, while Qatar is the lone country that starts with Q. Now that you’ve got this trivia down, see if you can ace this U.S. state capital quiz.

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