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Is the R silent in iron?
The reason why the r in ‘iron’ is absent in British English is because the r is followed by a consonant now (followed by /n/ in /’aɪərn/) and British English is non-rhotic, meaning the r is only pronounced when followed by a vowel.
Why do people pronounce the r in iron?
In both British and American English, the sound [aɪ] for the first letter in ironic is followed by an [r]. Instead, the correct pronunciation is [ˈaɪən] in British English, and [ˈaɪərn] in American English, listen here. The crucial difference is that for iron, the sound [aɪ] is not followed by an [r].
Is it pronounced iron or ion?
As a native British Engilish speaker, I think “ion” for “iron” is the standard British English pronunciation. The two are not quite identical, but it’s hard to notate the difference. “iron” is maybe closer to “iun” than “ion”. Pronouncing the r in iron is more of a Scottish accent (and also in some parts of the USA).
Can R be silent?
1 Answer. Yes. In so-called non-rhotic pronunciations of English (which includes what are perceived as ‘standard’ British pronunciations), a written ‘r’ does not actually represent an ‘r’ sound when it is syllable-final. On the other hand, the case of “iron” is simply a rare exception.
Is R silent in party?
Party. If you’ve already seen my video on T pronunciations, then you know when the letter T or double T comes between two vowel sounds, that it is often pronounced in everyday speech by native speakers as a D sound. Here it is the R consonant sound, but it’s just like the ur vowel sound, rr, rr.
How do Australians say iron?
Break ‘iron’ down into sounds: [EYE] + [UHN] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘iron’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen.
What is this word iron?
1 : a heavy silvery white metallic chemical element that rusts easily, is strongly attracted by magnets, occurs in meteorites and combined in minerals, and is necessary for transporting oxygen in the blood. 2 : a device that is heated and used for making cloth smooth.
Which is the silent letter in iron?
The word “iron” doesn’t technically have a silent letter, but people frequently ask me about this word’s pronunciation because it does have some sounds switched around in the middle, and its spelling is unphonetic. “Iron” is NOT pronounced “i-ron” as one would expect; it sounds like “I earn”.
Why is iron spelled iron?
Metathesis. It was originally pronounced /aɪrǝn/ but the /r/ got metathesized after the vowel. Something similar happened with the word for “horse” in Old Norse, which is hross.
When do you use the silent r in a word?
Note that although the < r > is silent in these words, it indicates a long vowel sound on a stressed syllable (FORK, BIRD, CART, WHERE) and a short, weak vowel sound on an unstressed syllable (FATHER, OTHER). There is one commonly used exception to the silent < r > rule: the word IRON /aɪən/, which is pronounced with no /r/.
Is the letter Ris silent in the word learn?
The letter ris not silent (in my pronunciation at least) of iron (very different to ion) or learn (very different to lean). – Matt E. Эллен♦ May 16 ’12 at 8:58
Is there an exception to the silent / r / rule?
There is one commonly used exception to the silent < r > rule: the word IRON /aɪən/, which is pronounced with no /r/. You might expect one owing to the < o > after the < r >, but as every learner knows, English must have at least one exception to every rule.
When to use the silent rule in English?
Silent < r > Rule. /r/ is only pronounced in standard GB English when the next sound is a vowel sound.