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Is the MimiBelt legal?
MimiBelt™ is a legally made seatbelt adjuster and unlike traditional vehicle seatbelts, it has been designed to ensure the safety of expectant mothers and their baby whilst on the road by transforming the traditional seatbelt into a 3-point lap sash – a seatbelt configuration recommended for pregnant women.
Do all cars have seat belt alarms?
Most new cars — three-fourths of all models in 2010, according to NHTSA — include a belt warning for the front passenger seat, too.
What is a Mimi belt?
MimiBelt™ is designed to elimate the pressure of a traditional seatbelt on a growing belly by using a 3-point seatbelt configuration – allowing for a safe and comfortable driving experience for the expectant mother.
Can I wear a belt while pregnant?
Without a seat belt, you could crash into the vehicle interior, other passengers, or be ejected from the vehicle. NO. Doctors recommend that pregnant women wear seat belts and leave air bags turned on. Seat belts and air bags work together to provide the best protection for you and your unborn child.
When did the seatbelt alarm come out?
Note that Jayne invented his seat belt alarm in 1960.
How much do you have to weigh to set off the seatbelt alarm?
Natalie Kumaratne of Honda environment and safety public relations told us the “airbag off” indicator comes on in its cars when weight sensors detect 65 pounds or less on the seat.
How much does it cost to replace a seat belt?
If your seat belt is locked or deployed, this is your seat belt fix! If your seat belt is ripped, cut, torn, frayed or fraying, dog chewed, or simply worn out, and our seat belt webbing replacement cost is only $75! Visit our online store at to begin saving hundreds of dollars on your seat belt replacement cost.
What is the National seat belt use rate?
One of the safest choices drivers and passengers can make is to buckle up. Many Americans understand the lifesaving value of the seat belt – the national use rate was at 89.6% in 2018.
Do you need a roomier seat belt in an older car?
If you need a roomier belt, contact your vehicle manufacturer to obtain seat belt extenders. If you drive an older or classic car with lap belts only, check with your vehicle manufacturer about how to retrofit your car with today’s safer lap/shoulder belts.
How many lives could have been saved by not wearing a seat belt?
Seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives and could have saved an additional 2,549 people if they had been wearing seat belts, in 2017 alone. The consequences of not wearing, or improperly wearing, a seat belt are clear: 1.