Is Schock a German name?

Is Schock a German name?

German (Schöck): variant of Scheck 1. Dutch and German: from Middle Dutch schoc, Middle High German schoc ‘pile’, ‘heap’, ‘stack’. Compare Schoch 1.

What does Kindt mean in German?

Kindt is a surname. It is of German origin and it means child.

Is gress a German name?

from a short form of a Germanic nickname that may be derived from Old High German gratag ‘greedy’. from Middle Low German grese ‘horror’, ‘fear’, a nickname for someone who was feared in the community.

What does Baas mean in German?

North German and Dutch: nickname or occupational name from Dutch and Low German baas ‘master’, ‘overseer’, ‘boss’, also ‘well-respected person’.

What does the name Schock mean?

English: from Middle English schock, ‘shock’, ‘group of sheaves (of grain)’, either a metonymic occupational name for someone who arranged sheaves in a shock, or a descriptive nickname for someone whose hair stood up on end, thus resembling a shock of sheaves. Americanized spelling of German Schock.

What does Schock mean?

astonish, astonishment, amazement.

How do you pronounce Kindt?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Kindt. k-IH-n-t. kindt.
  2. Meanings for Kindt. It is a German surname.
  3. Translations of Kindt. Russian : Киндт

What is the meaning of Gress?

step; move
-gress-, root. -gress- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “step; move. ” It is related to -grad-. This meaning is found in such words as: aggression, congress, digress, egress, ingress, progress, regress, transgress.

What is the meaning of Piccanin?

Filters. (South African) (derogatory, ethnic slur) A small (usually black) child; a tot; a toddler.

What does Baas en Klaas mean?

master and servant
The Afrikaans expression baas en Klaas (“master and servant”) denotes a class relationship of power while also signifying a racial hierarchy.

Where does the name Shick come from?

The surname Shick was first found in Lancashire at Shakerley, which is now a suburb of Tyldesley in the Metropolitan Borough of Wigan, Greater Manchester. Shakerley is derived from the Old English words “sceacere” + “leah” and literally meant “robbers woodland glade or clearing.”

What does the root Gres mean?


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