Is it worth learning Modern Standard Arabic?

Is it worth learning Modern Standard Arabic?

Pros of Learning MSA By acquiring Modern Standard Arabic, you have greater access to Arab media, academic papers and official documents. MSA is particularly helpful, then, for academics, journalists and researchers who want to explore written documents and the literature of the Arab peninsula.

How hard is Modern Standard Arabic?

The grammar is very difficult, and it requires large knowledge in grammar and syntax rules. Also, there are words from old Arabic poetry that most people cannot understand. I can express myself in both MSA and my dialect very well.

How long does it take to learn Modern Standard Arabic?

It’s estimated that in order to learn Arabic properly, it will take an English speaker at least 2200 hours of Arabic classes over 80 weeks – or rather, one and a half years of consistent language study.

Are books written in Modern Standard Arabic?

Most books are written in MSA and politicians speak in MSA in debates and speeches. MSA is the Arabic that is used in everyday life in Arabic speaking countries. Modern Standard Arabic is very similar to classical (or Quranic) Arabic. In fact, many Arabs use them interchangeably.

Which Arabic is closest to modern standard?

According to two scientific papers, Palestinian Arabic (a dialect of Levantine Arabic) is the closest to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA):

What is the difference between Eastern Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic?

Dialect of course refers to any of the many local varieties of Arabic spoken across North Africa and the Middle East, and Modern Standard Arabic is the variety you see and hear when you turn on the news or read a newspaper (a descendant of Quranic Arabic).

Can Arabs speak Modern Standard Arabic?

Modern Standard Arabic is not the lingua franca of the Arab world. Perhaps in the realm of politics but certainly not for ordinary people. They teach MSA as a ‘conversational’ language that will make communication between all Arabic-speaking people possible.

What countries use Modern Standard Arabic?


Country or territory MSA speakers % of MSA speakers
Saudi Arabia 24,900,000 73%
Somalia 2,050,000 13%
Sudan 26,900,000 64%
Syria 15,900,000 93%

Can I learn Arabic in 3 months?

Approximately 3 months to have an intermediate level of Arabic. This calculation neglects so many factors, however, and still isn’t a very accurate way of determining how long it could take you to learn Arabic.

Is duolingo Arabic good?

Duolingo Arabic offers Modern Standard Arabic and seems to do a fairly accurate job in terms of grammar (I haven’t encountered any errors yet in the translations personally). It might serve you well to get you acquainted but there are better ways to spend your study time.

Which Arabic dialect is the purest?

MSA is considered to be the purest version of Arabic and it is widely respected across the Middle East & North Africa – and among non-Arab Muslims worldwide – because it is the language of the Quran. Learning MSA therefore offers a unique insight into Arabic culture and Islam.

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